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A/N: If you'd like to sponsor Skyler Odair, please comment below!

Dont forget to vote, suggest, and support! ♥ Sorry for slacking. I was thinking about this really good idea on a book I'll write. Its a romantic teen fiction comedy and so I'll upload it after I'm done with this fan fiction. Also, I think I might speed things up a bit here. I want to get up with my own projects.

Here's JakeCocoa's silver parachute containing a special message: "You've been my best friend since Kindergarten. Battling out advanced communication arts was fun. Thank you so much for sponsoring Skyler Odair! Hope you never give up on her!"


Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain.

The Training Center has a tower designed exclusively for the tributes and their teams. It will be where all the tributes stay until we are launched into the arena when the actual games begin. Each district resides on a different floor, an elevator connecting them all. I press the button to District Four. I've never ridden an elevator before, but its exhilarating because the walls are made of crystal and you can see yourself shoot up into the air while someone below shrinks to the size of an ant.

Petra Crowner shows me to my quarters. Its even more prestigious than the room on the train. Here, there are so many automatic gadgets that I'm sure I wont have time to find and press them all. The bed and chairs are so plush and soft with silky material. You can simply ask for the time and a mechanical voice from the ceiling says it out loud. Pressing a button on the side of a bed immidiately heats it up for your comfort.

The shower alone has a panel with more than a hundred options you can choose, regulating scents, temperature, pressure, shampoos, oils, soaps and massaging sponges. An electronic panel drops down where you can program whatever outfit you'd like. To order food, you can pick anything from a gigantic menu and whisper it into a mouthpiece and it will appear in seconds, hot and steamy, ready to eat.

Nikolai is the one who knocks on my door to summon me to dinner. When we get to the dining room, I see the stylists will be joining us for dinner. Paprika and Sylvana had made both Sebastian and I look estatic yesterday. All the attention though, was on how intimately Sebastian was holding me.

Perhaps the Capitol audience thinks that theres something between us, but to be honest, I hope not. Its not fair that our image is to work as a team when we're being forced to kill eachother. Everyone makes small talk as I eat my meal of creamy clam chowder soup, noodles with cheese inside and a zesty green sauce, sweet blue grapes, puffy white bread, and goose liver.

I notice Sebastian staring at me, but when I return the look he just turns away quickly. I wonder what my past is with him. How does the star flower relate to him and water engulfing my view? Its all so confusing to me.

After dinner we walk into a sitting room where we watch the replays of the opening ceremonies. People are standing out definitely. The District One tributes stand out in a good way, but the District Twelve tributes dont appeal too much, stark naked and in some kind of coal miner's head piece and coal dust. Sebastian and I are outstanding. We get the most screen time as far as I can see and they especially make it clear that Sebastian kisses my cheek. I blush again as we watch and clamp down on my bottom lip for letting it show.

Before I go back to my room for bed, Nikolai catches my arm.

"Tomorrow morning is the first training session. Meet me for breakfast and I'll tell you exactly how to play it." Then Rita walks over, "Seeing how they've been viewed together on the chariot rides, I think you two should seem like friends in public." I frown as Sebastian walks over. Nikolai looks at her and thinks for a minute. Then he decides, "That sounds like a good way to play it. But theres more to talk about tomorrow. Good night you two."

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