Chapter 15

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Luna's POV

Gerard had gone to his bunk to retrieve something that he wanted to show me, so while he was getting something I looked over Mikey's shoulder and saw him texting someone called 'Alicia' "Mikey's got a girlfriend!!!" I shout, there was a bang and it turned out to be  Gerard hitting his head on the metal pole holding the bunks together. "Found it!" He shouts in victory.

He plops onto the space next to me "Wanna see some baby photos of Mikey and I?" Gerard says whispering and wiggling his eyebrows, "Yeah! I wanna be able to tease Mikey" I whisper back making sure Mikey wouldn't hear.

Gerard continues to open the dusty folder and reveals a baby picture of himself a few months old, "Oh my Geesus you were adorable!" I fangirl for a few seconds. Pete sneaks behind Gerard's shoulder to look at what I was talking about, he sees me staring at him and runs and Gerard looks behind his shoulder, "what was that?" He questions "Pete Wentz that way!" I shout making a pun.

Mikey looks up from his phone at the mention of Pete's name, but once he realises he's gone Mikey snaps his head down, putting all his attention onto the phone once more, Patrick comes running with Pete when he reappears.

"Stump running around" I say making Patrick's last name sound like 'Stop' so it basically sounds like 'stomp running around'. Gerard turns the page to reveal a picture of Baby Mikey and Gerard around 2-3 and I put my attention on the Photo Album now and ignore Pete and Patrick.

The next picture is around Gerard 7-8 and Mikey around 5-6 dressing in tuxedos at a wedding photoshoot, "You look so smart oh my gee" I say looking at both of them. The next picture is of Mikey and Gerard with Donna and Donald. Around Teenager age. He turns the page and reveals a picture around 2001, probably before MCR formed, "Mikey's Fringe Is My Spirit animal" I point out looking at Mikey's gelled to the forehead fringe. Gerard laughs and turns the page to reveal a picture of MCR probably a few months after forming.

"You all look so young it's hilarious" I say while letting a few giggles out.

Gerard's POV

Luna kept pointing out hilarious mistakes in the photos as I flicked through each one, like Mikey's Fringe, and how we were adorable when we were kids. I laughed a bit at most of them and occasionally looked over at Mikey staring down at his phone with a small smile on his face "That girl has to be good if she's making Mikey smile at his phone" I say while looking at Mikey. "I always smile" He says trying to make a point "Umm, no you don't" Luna sasses back, "My sassyness has rubbed off on Luna" I point out while grinning, Luna starts to laugh while Mikey sighs and puts attention back to his phone.

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