Cute TaeTae: Lobster Whisperer

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You're sun tanning at the beach, your eyes closed and sunglasses on. You constantly would be at the edge of knocking out but the sound of seagulls squawking keeps you wide awake.

Suddenly, you feel something crawling up your stomach as if it's feet were unsharpened knives. Alarmed you raise your head, flicking the sunglasses away, screaming at the top of your lungs.


You hastily search for Taehyung, didn't take you long before you realized that he was right next to you with his body bent over with his head hovering exactly 3 inches away from you, giggling in an evil way.

You smack him and beg for him to take the lobster off.

After watching you suffer for another minute or two, he flashes a bright smile at the lobster and tells it,

"Thanks, you can go now."

Surprisingly, it listened and retreated back to the glistening shoreline.

You looked at Taehyung while he slowly followed the lobster with his eyes.

When it was quiet, you smacked the nape of his neck and chased him around the beach screaming,




Yeah sorry for taking a hella long break without saying anything, school has just swept me into another dimension and I never left.

So I hoped u enjoyed this imagine even though it's not one of my best! :)

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