~Back At School The Next Day~

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Gene starts walking to school. He sees Aphmau walking to school by herself, wondering to himself

Gene thought hard. 'Wonder why she's by herself. Should I go talk to her? Well, here goes nothing. "uh- hey!" Gene stuttered out. 'Dang it, I stuttered!"

Aphmau stopped walking and turned around, a smile appearing on her face. "Oh! Uh, hello!"

Gene started walking towards Aphmau, Aphmau doing the same.

As Gene neared her, he felt warm and fuzzy. 'Wow she looks cute up close...AH IM DOING IT AGAIN!' "Uh hey! I'm Gene, you're Aphmau right?"

"Yeah! Nice to meet to meet you Gene!"

"Uh I was wondering...aren't you suppose to be walking with Laurance? I always see you guys walking together..."

Aphmau was taken back, a blush appearing on her face. "Oh... well he doesn't have to walk with me all the time. D-do you want to walk together?"

Gene was taken back as well at the sudden question. He smiled, answering Aphmau. "Sure! I guess that would be nice."

At School:

Aphmau broke the silence, the tense atmosphere disappearing. "Hey thanks for walking with me."

Just like in any typical love story, she fell, of course on top of none other than Gene.

Gene wrapped his arms around her, grasping her shoulders. "A-Are you okay?"

A bright red blush appeared on Aphmau's cheeks. She was flustered to see Gene hold her so protectively. A blush soon appeared on Gene's cheeks too. He mainly hoped she wasn't hurt.

Aphmau quickly reacted, spazzing out words and rambles. "I-I'm so sorry! Oh my god. Are you okay? I fell on top of you oh my god-"

Gene interrupted her. "APH! I'm fine don't worry. I just hope you're okay."

A small smile appeared on Aphmau's face. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you." She stood up, of course helping Gene up as well.

As they got up, their faces met, just a few mere inches apart. Their eyes soon met, their gazes getting lost in each other's eyes. Gene looked at the girl, wondering why she was so beautiful. Aphmau reacted the same, noticing features on Gene's face she found quite cute.

Aphmau and Gene eventually snapped out of it, saying goodbye to each other as they quickly hurry away.

Lol i'll post more later thats it for now BYEE!! x3

2019 me: ok hello lol, goodbye, hope this is ok ;^;

Genemau (Gene x Aphmau) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now