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~Aphmau's POV~

Gene where did Laurance go?

Gene: I teleported him into the nether...I didn't have a choice...Im so sorry Aph...*hugs her*

Gene? Im scared...What if Shad or the other shadow nights get to me? What if they do the same thing they did to my mom and kill me?

Gene: I won't let them hurt you...Come on lets get to my house...Your shaking...And that scares me Aph...

I could see Gene was really worried now and I didn't like to see him like that...He grabbed my hand and I walked back to his house, His arm was around me and I was leaning on his chest. Then we got to his house and he made me some tea. Heh thanks Gene...Hey Gene? Can I ask you something?

Gene: Yeah of course Aph

Can I stay with you? I don't want to be alone you know...You don't have to its just a question...

Gene: Yeah! Like a sleepover?

Haha yeah! *smiles*

Gene: *smiles* Anyways wanna watch a movie? I'll make some popcorn

Sure! I'll set up the movie *turns on the tv*

~Gene and Aph got everything ready and didn't even notice they were cuddling during the movie :3 aww cute~

~Movie ends~
~Gene's POV~
*blushes* Uh were we cuddling...

Aphmau: *looks at Gene* GAH UH...*blushes*

Heh no wonder I felt fluffy and warm

Aphmau: *blushes more* hehe I'm tired...

Wanna go to bed?

Aphmau: *Blushes a little* Together??

Gene: Heh if you want to but I was going to sleep on the couch...

Aphmau: Heh just sleep in the bed Gene I'm fine with it I mean you did let me stay here with you

Heh okay well come on *heads to room* I'll be right back *goes to another room

Aphmau: *yawn* wow I am really tired...

*comes back* Heh night Aph...*gets in the bed*

Aphmau: *gets in bed and lays next to Gene* Night Gene...Hey Gene...Thanks...

Of course Aph...I care about you, you know...*stares at Aphmau*

Aphmau: You do...*stares at Gene* ....*slowly starts blushing and leaning towards Gene*

*does the same as Aphmau and starts to lean in closer*

ANDDDD CLIFF HANGER c;< Hehehehe lol don't get mad at me pls xD

Genemau (Gene x Aphmau) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now