Chapter 4- 16th Birthday Bash.

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No song clue what to put. But a pic of LOGAN LERMAN who I love <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 He is soooo cute!!

Adrian and I sat on the bench ner the fountain. I had my camera with me and right now the scene was so pretty and still and Adrian looked wow. I mean like he had a certain glow in him...lost in his own thoughts. I clicked a picutre of him and that caught his attention. He smirked at me. "Couldnt resist me eh?" I cocked my eyebrow like are you kidding. I scoff. "Yea Adrian your sooo handsome I wont mind sleeping with you either." I tell him jokingly. Obviously he was expecting that since he likes such stuff. Perverted man whore. He put his hand on my shoulder pulling me closer. I put my hand around his waist and my head on his shoulder. I really missed him.

"Yeah I know you did." He tells me. I look at him confused a little and then I realise that I said that out loud. "So Adrian I want to know everything that happened these past two years." I tell him. I was really curious. Ofcourse I would be father all he was my fiance right? I have the right to know. "You suddenly stopped talking to your fiance. Thats not very nice you know?" I tell him jokingly. He chuckles. "Your falling me babe." He tells me. Now where the hell did that come from. Honestly I wasnt falling for him.

"In your dreams Addy." I tell him. He knows very well I get an urge to play around with boys who I think come under my category and he knows that Im getting tempted to play around with him. "Oh please dont spare me love. I want you to play with me" He tells me grinning. I smack him on the hand. Its like he reads all my thoughts. "Nah Addy, it'll turn out to be a bad scene if you end up falling for me" I tell him. "Now are you going to tell me everything or should I go?" I tell him. Its really irritating. I dont like waiting and he has made me wait enough!

"Yes I will so here goes. On your 14th Birthday was the day I would be shifting to New York with my dad. I was there for an year and attended school there." Adrian's is actually a year old to me. My birhtday is on the 13th of October while Adrians is 18th October. Adrians parents are divorced by the way but Adrian had to go and live with his father after he found out that his mother had run away with her boyfriend but then she left everything behind including the money which Adrian handed over to my dad trusting my dad to make a seperate bank account for Adrian with all that money in and my dad was very responsible and did the job. He secrelty sent a credit Card to Adrian without Adrian's dad finiding out.

"I hated it there but I put up a good act as if i liked it alot there. Luckily there were hot chicks there. I would help out dad a little we would go for parties. I got the grades he wanted and got what I....wanted I guess..." He was quite hesistand when he said that. I smiled at him. "Adrian dint enjoying scrweing around with girls? Why not?" I ask him. He is such a player but I dont really care I mean as long as he dosnt get STD or AIDS and who knows I might have to get married to him if no big disastrous incidence takes place before that. "No...I dint fully enjoy it maybe Im just really bored. They were all really eager bunnies and the worst part was that they were really clingy. Getting rid of them was a real pain in the ass." He tells me and smirks. So expected. He hates clingy people and possesive people. You get it real nice if you are either of those two. Note the sarcasm on the nice.

Adrian continues with his story he's a really fast talker but it wasnt difficult for me to keep up with him. after one year in school he kepy travelling everywhere on business and when he had free time he would expand his numerous talents i.e. painting, music, dancing. He tells me about the trip to India where he met kaitlyn. Kaitlyn was about to come with him when suddenly something happened in her family that she couldnt come....I wondered what it is. Usually her family members are really calm an uproar in ther family dint sound like a good thing.

After India Adrian came here. So thats how he spent his year. Travelling from place to place. He had a private jet but then he used a first class for a public plane. "By the way how would you like it if you would get into hollywood?" Adrian asks me. I think for a minute I would'nt actually mind because I really like acting and modelling and I have got many oppurtunities right now but then I dont know I always wanted to do this with Adrian not alone. I grin and look at me.  "I would love it but only if you were with me." I tell him. He grins back and we deicide to head back.

Most of the people have gone to whereever. I spot my firends waiting for us. Adrian was a partof the group so it wasnt really anything new the only problem was the way gabriel and Adrian have been looking at eachother they where best friends before Adrian left. I pull Adrian towards the group. He grins looking at the guys.

"Adrian the man whore is back" Heath says and does that thing guys usually do hug by the their hand or whatever you call it I do that alot too. So nothing really new there. "Wassup dawg? How are da chicks going?" He asks Heath. "tell ya later buddy." Heath says. Ryan and Craig pounce on Adrian and punch him lightly in the stomach. Adrian acts like he's really hurt and does that same typical guy thing and then he gets a slap from Alexis and Megan for never keeping in touch with them and also a good hug. He simply acts like he was about to kiss them but he kisses them on their foreheads which wasnt really anything new either.

Alexis and Megan are like his sisters and me ? His lover, his fiance, his bestfreind and his younger sister who he is really possessive about. Oh yeah he can be possessive about you but cannot do the same to him. Absolutely not. He more possessive about me than anyone. I find that really cute. I dont mind because Im really open with Adrian and as long as he knows im safe and within my limits he wont care. Exactly like an elder brother-someone ive always wanted....after that incidence and im sooo not going there.

Adrian and Gabriel were facing eachother I went and stood in the between hopefully they woudlnt punch eachother. "Gabriel" "Adrian" both of them said there names together. I bit my lip to stop myself from smirking. I mean that was pretty ....silly i guess?? I dont know what im saying actually. "Umm....guys..." I say hesistantly.

 Suddenly the next thing I know is that the two of them are blowing eachother's head off and why? because of me. . Why Adrian left me feeling so down and how Gabriel was there for me. That's what you were expecting right? But that is not what happened. Instead the best thing happened.Both of them were hugging eachother. So All this was pretend eh? Those glare just a minute ago they were about to punch eachother and here they are higging eachother. I seperated the two of them

I looked at both of them and told them "First. You two were hugging too long, I was starting to be worried I dont want any gays in my life right now." I cant help it if that sounded a little rude but yeah I already have too many gay and lesbian friends in my life and the lesbians freak me out when they start flirting with me. "Second. Include me in the hug as well you assholes!" I tell them after all we three are best friends.

"Someome's jealous eh?" Adrian tells me. Gabriel kisses me on the cheek and tell me not to worry. "You'll be the first to know if we change okay?" he tells me. i roll my eyes and shake my head. Gabriel hold my right hand and Adrian holds my left and we walk into the party on the top floor in the balcony.

Just as we entered the party everyone cheered and I looked at the time. It was 12 exactly. Wowo time sure passes fast. Suddenly everyone is wishing me happy birthday. Right its my brithday....Adrian came back into my life the day he left. I was just so glad he came back.

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