Chapter 7- Selene- Secrets Revealed

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Finally now from Selene's POV. TThere's going to be a surprise in this story actually. First off it shows a little of Selene's past a secret of her own. Im changing the actresses of Selene. Keira looks to old I feel... :/ Any sugesstions?? And I dedicate a chapter of every fan of mine. My way of say "thanks for fanning me :D" In case you were wondering.

I couldnt sleep. I dint even have to try to know that. I just sat on my bed. Adrian was still in the balcony, smoking. God...I know I should'nt feel guilty over how I treated him but honestly I cant help it. He deserved it and so does Gabriel....but then again...Adrian...No he does deserve it.

Actually Im not going to think about those two at all! Im sick and tired. Oh god. Will Adrian stop smoking already?! I hate it when anyone smokes and especially him. I dont my brother/best friend (ex???)/fiance to die of Cancer...ok Im just over-reacting. Selene stop thinking about them. I tell myself and walk out of the room slowly.

I dont really know where to go but once I get out of the hotel my feet just lead me towards my car. i check my pockets if I have my key and luckily I do. Its really difficult not thinking about them...but then i dont want to think about my secret either. I mean people hardly know my secret. What wil happen if my secret pops open? Ill tell you what-the scene is going to be disgusting terrible, the rowst ever, and maybe a little depressing.

Gabriel wants to kill you Adrian's word fly in my head. I ignore it adn start driving. I concentrate on the road. At 4 in the morning im just going...where? I know where MY HOUSE which no one knows about and no one will. Ever. Not even my parents. I reach my house fast even though its 45 minute away from here. I reach in about 30. which is actually not that bad.

I love my house its amazing and just perfect. All the money I collected and everything was well spent. It was a studio apartment. It was balck and white and Red and black in my room though the walls wernt either red or black they were white. My kitchen and bathroom were light blue. I go and crash on my sofa and fall asleep. See? Some privacy atlast.

I get up at around 7. guess why? I dreamt of Gabriel and Adrian and me in a fight. A bad one at that. It was sick and gruesome and all of us end up dying. Wonderful eh? Ha!

Ok I know thats sick...but whatever. I get up slowly. My neck's caught so it really hurts. I look for the pillow. Great it was fallen down. I scowl....what a birthday eh? On my brithday I get the news that my boyfriend wants to kill me. How very sweet. Ok I dint know I was adopted it was just a hunch and it turned out right. Wow...honestly Im really very hurt but no tears. Thats the thing about me. My tears dont come out at all.

I dont want to go back to the hotel. Honestly all I want to do is get away. I get up and go take a shower and freshen up. I wrap a towel around me and come out. I dont really have to worry about anyone coming or going randomly about. I wrap my bathrope around me (ofcourse Im wearing my under garmentS) and go into the kitchen first grab coffee a water bottle and a few morning snack put it ina tray and out into the balcony. I also get the newspaper to read. I get many text messages but dont reply to anyone. I even get a message from Adrian.

Selene, where are you? Your father wants us together by 8 in his office first.

P.S. I want to tell you everything. Honestly with every single minute detail as well. Please....

Ofcourse I dont bother replying. Just when I was about to switch off my phone my dad calls but I let it go to voice messgae. I hear him:

Selene where are you? I want you here in my office by eight with Adrian. We have some important things to disscuss about and one more thing Selene- if you ignore my message there will be severe consequences which not only will you face but many others will as well.

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