Chpater 3- Harbour Pearl

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im dedicating this chapter to jazzbunny14

i hope you like the chapter! please comment and vote, :D

The drive was awesome fun. Laughing out heads of, it was a tie though. Everyone were gathered in the garden for the ribbon cutting ceremony so my friends and I headed there as well. we seperated joining our familes and greeting whoever we knew. Since our families knew eachtoerh and many people in this party as well it was no problem at all. Socialising with other people was lot of fun and then my dad climbed onto the stage to start the ceremony.

"Good evening everyone present here. Im really gald all of you could make it to this grand opening ceremony of Harbour Pearl. Harbour Pearl till today had been a dream of my partners and me. Sometimes I still find myself asking my wife to pinch me to see if this is real." This earned him a few chuckles from the crowd. Expect my dad to make everyone laugh.

"This is a real honour I must say that all of you present here took your time to come and attend the opening of this hotel adn honestly I was really surprised when many people even accpeted the weekend stay here with their family. Thank you so much. Like in every opening ceremony there is a guest of honour and I would like all of you to greet Mr.Smith the guest of honour for tonight." Mr Smith stood from the crowd. I went still when I realsied how close I was to him. Gabriel noticed that and pulled me away further in the crowd to keep a distance. It felt good to have his arms around me.

Mr.smith thanked everyone and climed on the stage but my father dint hand the mike over to him. "before I hand over the mike to Mr.Smith I feel obliged to tell a few things about him. I met Mr.Smith 5 years ago and was deeply impressed by his knowldege and his charistamatic charm. He was very handsome looking indeed and the ladies that would swoon over him though he hardly paid any attention to any of the ladies for he had a wife whom he deeply loved but that was all an act on his behalf. Apparently he had found out all possible information about my partners and I and what type of people we are ready to make a deal with I all of us fell for his act." My father continued the talk without stoping. Everyone was confused and so was Mr.Smith.

"Two years passed I was doing a project with him when one day he raped her. My life, my world. She was devasated and because of this disgusting man her life was ruined until her friends helped her live a little again. She became scared, a girl who wouldnt get scared even if she saw bloody virgin mary." A few chuckles again but he had people's attention. "Mr. Smith proved himself a disgusting man by making his own son rape a poor innocent child for a document he wanted from the board of directors." There were gasps from the crowd. Many people shot looks at me of pity and started talking. "Yes people, he was also the reason why one my partners who also happens to be my best friend's  youngest daughter is in coma. Because she could not bear what happened to her and she still hasnt come out of coma. She's still lies in the hospital bed making her parents wait everyday." and at that the cops came and arrested Mr.Smith.

Mr.Smith was screaming his lungs of promising revenge. All that died down after about half an hour and the ribbon was cut by Sir Edmund who was my dads best friend. People comforted him I dint say anything except hugged him and his wife who was a really sweet lady. "I want to meet her. I would really like it if I could see your daughter." I tell him. They give me permissiong to go visit hteir daughter when Im free.I smile at them.

Once the ribbon was cute the party started and it was awesome everyone were dancing and enjoying like you would in a pub. It was amazing the music, the food which by thr way was of indian and italian cuisine. It was beautiful and being the pure non-veg that I was I ate alot! Hey I was hungry okay?!

It was an elegant party with classical music playing so you could only ball dance. I danced around with everyone and it was really alot of fun. Then my dad makes an announcement. "People people. I hope your enjoying the dinner but I want all of you to welcome one last guest who im really glad could joing us. Selene would you please come here." He calls me I go stand next to him. "That special guest means a lot to this family. Welcome back Adrian." The last name makes my head snap and I look in the direction my dad is pointing at and he enteres the hall.

He's grown tall and those green eyes looked really intimidating and his beautiful light brown messy hair. He had a really good body and was wearing a suite. I knew a was gawking at him but before I Gabriel noticed I just put up a poker face. he came and shook hand with my father first and then like a gentleman kissed my mom's hand. My mom became red in the face and Adrian grinned obviously amused. I immediately understood that he is was a player and I was going to have a tough time with him if he was going to be living here. Was he really my fiance?. Finally he came near me and just pulled me into a tight embrace. I hugged him back becuase I had no other choice. "Hello Selene. Ive really missed you." He tells me. I can see sincerity in his eyes but then again he may be lying right? I blush a little. Those feelings I felt for him when I was fourteen were long gone but his eyes are what made me blush.

"Its been a long time Adrian . How are you?" I ask him smiling. I notice people are looking at us. "You know all of you can talk you arnt punished." I tell everyone in the hall and they start laughing. My eye catches Gabriel for now he's just staring but then later I wonder what is going to happen but my dad insist that I sit beside Adrian. I smile and agree knowing I cant even make Adrian sit with our group. "Im fine. Atleast now I am. After seeing you. How are you Selene? You look stunning. " it was weird being all formal. I mean Adrian and I were never like this. After he had moved to New York we were in contact for about a year and then next year he kept shifting so we lost touch and then now again we meet.

"Oh is that so? Thats really sad but now im glad your fine. I dont like seeing you unwell and thank you Adrian, you look very handsome yourself. I can see many girls checking you out over there." I smirk. He smirks back-his smirk bigger than mine. "Jealous babe?" He asks me. Icock my eyebrow and girn. "Ofcourse not. If you dint realise I have a boyfriend. Gabriel." I point my head towards Gabriel. Gabriel looks at me and I smile at him but when he sees Adrian his face become cold. I look at Adrian who was also wearing a cold expression except his was colder and scarier.

"Adrian. You okay?" I ask him trying to remove this weird tension I say "Looks like your constipated." that gets him abck to this world and he smirks at me. "Nah, im not your little boyfriend must be I eman look at his expressiong. Does he by any chance like playing those who can stare longer at the other games?" he asks me. Pulling my leg but I dont take anything offensively. "Oh my. Adrian he does love palying them and he happens to be good at them." I smirk knowing he dint see that coming. "Good then looks like im competition." He replies. But before the staring contest would start I iinterrupt. "Later but for now. I really missed you and I want to know everything. Where have you been the past year man?" I ask him exasperated.

"Later, lets eat first," and so we do talking to everyone. Nicely chatting away. I ate alot. Adrian also liked the Indian and Italian food so we would help eachother out. He was really nice as talking to people. He knew what to say and how and I cant tell because when some man insulted his father jokingly though it was clear he meant it Adrian gave a cocky reply back insulting the old man and his own but the man was just confused not really getting the whole thing.

After dinner the desert comes. Adrian tells the waiter to get the Desserts out. both of us go out to catch up on eachtoher. I wouldnt call it ignoring my friends but then I just dint exactly invite them to join us after all Adrian was the person who I wanted to talk to right now more than anything. Catch up on everything. It was really great to have him back. He really made me enjoy my dinner and he really impressed my parents. I really hope I dont fall for never know right??

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