Chapter 8- Adrian- No hope left

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this capter is going to be a little depressing because Adrian actualyl talks about Selene and his friendship and his life for the past two years. Hes actually alone for half of the chapter later someone joins him. and that someone who comes into the picture is a really important character. :P

I dint want to talk to selene's father so I left a few seconds after she left. Im tired honestly I wish I never came back, I should have stayed away, but I couldnt now chould I? I had no choice and I still dont. Its my duty to protectr and so that I will do. but how? She wont let me me do anything. I have to do what she says now and so does the father. I know what really pissed her off was when her father said they'll talk later about her being adopted like its no big deal at all. Its all normal and....not a problem when it very much is. Because she has hardly memories of her past. It was so difficult for her friends to gain her turst again. All her memories were washed away except for mine. Why? No one knows and I want to.

I really dont know what to do. I mean she's so keen on proving that Gabriel cannot kill her. Is that even true? I dont know. I really wish she proves it right. I dont want Gabriel to hurt her even one bit though both of us have already hurt herI know Selene's not going to show it. She never does and that makes it even more difficult. Its so easy for her to figure out people but for us? Nope, definetly not a piece of cake.

She knows how Gabriel's mind works and how mine does as well. I know her really well but how exactly her thought process is-is somehting still amystery for me. I bet Gabriel feels the same way after all the three of us are the best of all friends. Actually even Kaitlyn. yeah. how the hell could I forget her? I really miss her alot. I wish she was here then she would definetly help all of us.


"ADRIAN!!!" She screamed and jumped on me. "Ive done it! Ive become a model!" She looked soo happy that time. Nothing could destroy her then. "Congrats girl! Im proud of you. So now you and me eh?" I ask her.

Thats when Gabriel enter with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn and Selene are so excited they completely forget us. im alone with Gabriel. "So when are you leaving?" He asks me. He knows Im leaving but he dosnt know when ill be back. I dont know that myself. "Tonight. I dont want to leave Gabriel" I tell him. I trust him and I feel like needing a guy right now. Though it sounds a little gay.

"You cant help it. What happened with your mother wasnt nice. i promise ill look out for your bride." gabriel promising is really a big thing because firstly he hardly promises everyone and secondly when he does he sticks to them and completes them no matter what.. I just nod. "You better. Dont let her get hurt Gabriel" I tell him.He looks at me and tells me. "You already have Adrian, by leavig her. She's really going to break down."

And she did. For a month when finally her friends helped her. Especially Kaitlyn who would sometimes crash at Selenes palce and Selene would always remember me. She was just so used to me it had a mjor affect on her and now that im back nothing has been going right. I dont know where anything is leading to. I reallu need a break, someone to help me and guide me but who can do that? To a father who is always sucked up into his job or always too drunk. I had to lie to Selene respects my dad alot because she thinks that he really loves me. When I dont know if he does. We would fight almost everyday. What ever happened between us I dont know.

I dont know....ive said that soo many times now that ive lost count. Why? I dont know. See here we go again. I lied about Kaitlyn as well. Yes she did have a marriage of some relative to attend back in India but there was also a mission she had to complete. She found out something of Selene....amybe Selene is also a...what can I call us? Spy is definetly not the word at all and neither is Assasin because deaths do happen and undercover agent is not something appropriate either because we arnt doing it for the government either.

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