Chapter 23: messed up everything

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"I was looking for a part time job" Brook says rubbing his neck
"Seriously? You?" I raise my eyebrow.
"Ugh actually I will be coaching soccer to kids at Mount George School from 6AM to 7AM" He says.
"Wow!!" I say.
"I know right, I am happy I got a Job that I would actually enjoy doing" he smiles.
"Tell me something about it" I say excitingly munching the last bite of burger.
"Patience cow, finish your food first" he laughs
"I dont eat with ears, my ears open you just say" I moo
"Haha, Okay! Today when I first went there I was pretty nervous but then one of the kid recognised me from one of my tournaments and asked for a selfie" he chuckle.
"Hehe I didn't ask you to flaunt" I chuckle.
"You wanna listen or not" he rolls his eyes,"first of all they asked me to show some kicks and tricks, and then they all became my fan's."
"Uhh hun? You think I believe you?" I say.
"Okay then don't believe" he says and gets up. I hold his wrist and force him to sit.
"Don't show me your attitude" I say. He smirks.
"Anyway is that solving your crisis?" I ask.
"Yup!! They are paying me pretty well" he excitingly answers.
"How much?" I ask again now more curious to know.
"I can't TinTin" he pinches my nose and leave me alon with my empty tray.
"I hate you!" I shout.
"Love you too!" he shout back.
I get up and head towards the girls common room to change into my gym outfit.

The gym seems to be empty, I start jogging on the treadmill and after ten minutes of continuous jogging I finally take a water break. I wipe off my extra sweat and head towards the water dispenser. I press the button and wait for the water to fill my water. Suddenly I hear some voice. I try to locate the source of the sound and my eye falls on the open Sauna Room. I tiptoe towards the booth and try to see who is there.
"I love you! I love you so much!" A girls moans.
"Please get back" a manly voice says.
Fortunately they could not see me because of the steam.
"Stop Mysha!" The manly voice says now in much harder tone.
Ohh so the girl is Mysha but who is with her. Suddenly my eyes fall over the yellow hoodie hanging next to the booth's door
"Cruz you don't know how much I need you" she whines
Suddenly my saliva chokes my own throat 'its Cruz'. My stomach starts doing somersaults, a whimper goes down my spine and I gasp.
"I think some one is there, for god's sake stop mysha" Cruz pleads.
I take a sip through my bottle and jog out of the gym trying to control my tears. I jog and jog and jog and don't realise that I am now far away from the gym.
I take a deep breathe and walk towards to common room, I change back to my dress and head towards the parking.
"Blake are you okay?" Selena joins me waiting for her school bus to come.
"Yeah why?" I lie.
"You look pale" she says.
"I don't know anyway bye" I smile and enter my empty bus. I take the last seat so that no one notices me and tears start to pour out. I thought Cruz has changed.
I wipe off my tears with my almost wet japanese napkin as the bus starts to fill.
Fortunately today Brook will not come back by bus.
I close my eyes trying to avoid all the sounds made by the kids.
the other side of my seat dips down and I can feel someone is siting next to me but I just ignore it and burry my face deep in my crossed arms.
"Blake" I feel Cruz's voice. I don't look up and answer.
"Blake I need to tell you something" he whispers next to me. He needs to tell me something after all this?
I ignore him again.
"Blake I know you saw me in the gym" he says. I didn't only see you but also mysha.
"Blake trust me nothing has happened" he says. How could he say nothing has happened?
"Blake for god's sake look up, you are scaring me" He pleads but I ignore. I don't even want to see his face. How could a person have so much guts?
"Blake I need to tell you something much more important" He says placing a hand over my shoulder. How dare he touch me? I shake my shoulder to remove his hand. He takes back his hand.
"Blake at least you are listening to me, Blake trust me nothing happened between me and Mysha, she was just one of my one night stand and now she was forcing herself on me" he tries to justify but he doesn't realise the venomous words he is pouring out. He doesn't realise how much pain it feels when I hear the word one night stand from his mouth but why do I feel such pain? Do I love him? I have seem him kissing so many girls but why am I feeling so bad right now? No I can't? Suddenly I feel a sudden jolt and realise its our stop.
I finally get up ignoring Cruz, I wipe of the tears in my eyes and dash out of the bus, I could feel Cruz pleading eyes on me but why is he acting like he loves me.

I walk towards my house when suddenly Cruz stops me by my wrist.
"I need to tell you something blake" He says staring into my eyes.
I break the eye contact and look at the other direction. I try to free my hand but his grip is way to tight.
"Please listen to me Blake, I need to tell you something" He pleads.
"Leave me Cruz!" I firmly say and he loosens his grip. Actions speak louder than words mister! I don't want to listen anything, I don't give a damn about him. But why is he trying so hard? for his fu*king ego? Or something else? I ignore him and run towards my room and jump into my bed. I need a nap.

Cruz's POV
"What the fuck have I done!" I say to myself running my hand through my hair.
I wanted to clear everything between me and Blake and wanted to tell her that it was all misunderstanding but I messed everything up again.

It is all because of frekkin Mysha. I said her that I don't love her still she was forcing herself on me. I knew it was Blake who was watching us because of the gasp she made.
Now she is not even ready to listen to me. God I wish I had a time machine and could fix everything I ruined.
I am so bad.
I need to tell her everything but how? Immediately my eyes fall on the whistling Brook who is going to enter in his house.
"Brook wait" I shout at him and jog towards him.
"Yo man! Thanks for suggesting me the part time job. I really loved it" Brook smiles.
"I want a favour in return" I say.
"Don't expect me to pay you back because this is never gonna happen" He says.
"Don't be stupid, I want you to help me with Blake" I say.
"What! Did you screw something again? man I suggest you to stay away from her" He says in a brotherly tone.
"Please I want to tell her something. Just trust me with this one, I have a plan" I say.
I tell him the entire plan.
"Okay but this is the last favour because I can't see me sister sad because of you monkey" he smirks.
"Shut up and Thank you" I say to him and walk back to my house.
Hope tomorrow everthying goes as per the plan.

Whooo! Whoooo! Guys!!
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The best song to describe this chapter is "I Hate You, I love You" I feel like all the lyrics sync with the story.

Anyway guys give a try to my book with ShebaHanna "You World" its on my reading list 'the rising stars'
Anyway do follow my another account Wicked_Sisters.

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