Chapter 16

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"Hiccup what am I doing here?"

"Astrid please,let me surprise you"Hiccup  replied putting his keys into the ignition and firing up the car.

I slumped back on the leather seat of his car and tried to relax. I hadn't been out of the house in weeks and it felt weird to not be behind the door in my room surrounded by my light gray walls. Hiccup insisted that I get out of the house and get some sun back in me. And in a way he was right. Sitting in my room staring at the walls all day wasn't going to bring my mother back or make me feel like I was moving on.

So I agreed to his plans of madness. And here I was being dragged along to some surprise event he planned out for me. I looked over at him and tried to imagine what he must be going through. I remember the moment when we were at the  beach. 

Did we almost kiss? It was weird to think that I might have a crush on him,but not impossible. I mean, he was always there for me in my toughest times and not to mention he was one of my best friends. 

"Penny for your thoughts"

I turned around and saw Hiccup grinning at me from behond the wheel"Nah,I'll pass.But if you would like to give me some hints at where we're going,I might actually be interested in conversing with you." I said shifting my body to look out tbe window.

I felt him sigh behind my head"Why are you so stubborn?Can't you just let me take you some where nice for once without giving me hell for it?"

I sighed on mock defeat"Fine I will corporate for the time being"I said finally relenting.

"Thank you!"
As soon as I smelled the salty air, I knew exactly where Hiccup had taken me.

The beach.

As soon as the car stopped,I hopped out od the car and headed for the waves,not caring that I kicked my converse into water.

I felt at peace in the ocean,and it had been a long time sonce I had felt this way.(try 4 months since my mother's death)

I was so consumed by the ocean that I didn't notice Hiccup sneak up behind me and intertwine our hands together.
"Astrid..I don't know..."He huffed a frustrated noise and followed my gaze down to our locked hands" Theres something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time,but I can't decide whether to tell you or not"

I glanced up from our hands and tried to find his eyes.I secretly willed him to say what was on his mind.

To say that he felt the say way I did.

To all me that he felt the same unexplainable pull I did when we were together.

To show me how much he cared about me.

"Astrid I really really like you.Enough to probably even go as far as to say that I'm in... love with you."Hiccup seemed to hesitate a little before straightening his spine and looking me straight on the eye."I know that I'm jumping the ropes here,but over the years I've fallen in love with every aspect of you.Your eyes,your smile,your award winning tosses(We both snorted),but most of all your personality."

At this he reached up to tugged  on a strand of hair and put it behind my eye.I stared at him mesmerized by the movement." You are very beautiful and even if you don't return the feeling..I just wanted to say that you'll always have my heart."

I didn't realize I was tearing up until I felt the tears running down my face.

How could I have just realized after thks whole time that I was seriously  love with Hiccup?How long have I been harboring these emotuons inside of me?

It all made sense.

That breathless feeling I got when he was near.

The jealousy I had felt all those time I saw other girls smother him.( we do not metion April😒)

Even the contentment I felt around him when he comforted me about my mother.

It all added up to be being in love with Hiccup Haddock.

And while he made the first move in confessions,I wasn't prepeared to let him take me by surprise again.

Without a second to spare,I looped my arms around Hiccups neck and pulled him into a sweet kiss. He made a surprise sound in his throat,but then his arms were around my waist ,pulling me off the white sandy ground.

I smile into the kiss and tried to show how much I returned his feelings through the kiss.

When we both pulled back for air ,we were breathing hard and smiling immensely at the same time.

I rested my forehead against his"I hope that little kiss demonstrated my  love for you."I whispered.

He chuckled,still out of breath"I guess that was to convey that you love me too?"He said nudging my head.

"Of course!"I said with resolve.

Hiccup clicked his tongue softly and said"I think I could take another demonstration." He said smiling at me.

I grinned like a fool and brought our lips together for a another kiss.

Lesson learned:I know a lot of people think that falling  in love should be easy amd obvious.

But I'll be the to say that this is a outright lie.

Sometimes you find love and unexpected places. And sometimes it comes so fast that it leaves you completely.....
Okay guys.I am so sorry for not finishing this book sooner.I hope that you enjoyed the final chapter and that you vote and comment below.

Ps:they lived happily ever after,got married,and had 33 kids (bc why not universe?)


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