New friends

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^Cooper & Anya above 😍^

*knock knock knock*

That's what woke me from my nap. I groan and get up, I walk to the door and open it. I come face to face with a smiling Jayla and a grinning Kennedy. Oh and we can't forget about Cooper and Anya.

"Girl, why do you look like you just rolled out of bed?" Jayla jokes, I chuckle.

"Maybe it's because I did just roll out of bed, I was napping." I playfully narrow my eyes at them and Kennedy laughs, Jayla pushes me out of the way and walks in with Kennedy and the kids following behind.

"Where's Ottis?" Kennedy asks, I point to the small room next to my room.

"In his room playing, he could be napping now though." I shrug and shut the door. The family dorms are like little apartments. They are two bedrooms, one bath, and a kitchen with a small living room area.

"Ottis Shane! We have company!" I shout and he comes running out of his room with a smile on his face.


"Come here babe, this is Jayla and Kennedy. And this is Cooper and Anya, they're going to be our new friends, whatcha think about that?" I ask him and he grins.

"I love it!"

"Great! Why don't you show Cooper and Anya your room and your toys?" He nods and shows them his room.

Jayla sighs and plops down on the small sofa, Kennedy raises an eyebrow at her giving her a questioning look.

"What's up J?" I ask. She groans and pulls her hair back.

"Baby daddy drama. My mother called me this morning saying 'Dwane just showed up at the house looking for you, he said he wants to meet Anya'. That bastard hasn't been there a day in Anya's life, does he think I'll just let him in her life now?" She sighed angrily.

"I understand that, all to well." I sighed.

"What did you do?" Jayla asks.

"Well, he showed up at the park last week when I was there with Ottis, he started yelling at me, trying to blame me basically for him walking out on Ottis. He told me I should've left him too so I couldn't always throw it at him for leaving. I took Ottis away without looking back the way he did the day I had him." I scoffed.

"Brave woman." Kennedy murmured.

"How so?" I ask raising a eyebrow.

"If Cory ever decided to show up and do that to Cooper then I'd probably freeze up, he'd probably get his way. I wouldn't know how to be feisty back at him. I'm not a fighter." She looked down.

"Kennedy, I feel like you secretly are a fighter. I mean, if it actually did happen then you'd do anything you could to be a bitch to him. To make him feel bad for what he did to you and Cooper." I stated, Jayla nodded.

"What do I do guys? I don't even understand why after four years he'd want to meet her?" Jayla groaned again.

"Well, he's probably thought that since he's done being a teen he can grow up, but you can't let him. The way I look at it, is if they left in the beginning then they loose the tittle of being a father. That's what I told Sam."

"Shit. Why haven't I met you before?" She asks looking at me with huge eyes. All I could do was laugh. We heard squealing and laughing coming from Ottis's room.

"God, I hope they become best friends. I hope we all become best friends!" Jayla smiled.

"Let's walk to the park, and then go for lunch?" I offered. They both jump up and smiled.




We all yelled and they run out in a line with Ottis leading.

"Grab your sweater Ottis, were going for a walk to the playground and then out to lunch." He smiled bright and grabbed his sweater from the hanger and he slid on his slip on sneakers.

This is how our line went as we walked down the street.

Me on the end holding Ottis's hand, then Kennedy in the middle holding Ottis's other hand and Coopers hand, then Anya holding Coopers other hand, then Jayla took up the other end holding Anya's free hand.

"Momma, can we have Dipin' dots?" Anya asked Jayla. Why do I feel like she will grow up to be like Jenna?

"Baby, we haven't even had lunch yet, and if I know you-which I do-I know you won't eat your lunch if you have ice cream before." Jayla said and Anya pouted.

"Pweese!" She begged.

"Anya Lee Hensley, no." Jayla said sternly.

"Oh, the full name huh?" Kennedy teased.

"Well she always begs and she knows better."

"I know the feelin'." Kennedy sighs.

"Cooper John Briggs! Do not run ahead, someone could take you. Do you want someone to take you from mommy?" Kennedy scolds her son. He shakes his head no.

"Then you need to stay with me, Jayla, and Bailey." Kennedy tells him and he looks at all of us before nodding.

"Ottis babe, come here," I call him and he skips over.

"Yeah mommy?" He asks.

"I'm going to sit right on this bench okay? I want you kids to stay where we can see you. And be careful." I kiss his head when he nods and walks away.

"He's such a good kid Bailey, you got really lucky." Jayla smiled at me.

"Thanks, I know I did. I wish he had that male in his life ya know?" I sigh.

"Oh I understand, but you have Clayton. Hasn't he become a big male figure in his life?" Kennedy asks.

"I guess so, but I don't want to tie him down when he doesn't need to be. He's still young and has the chance of having his own family when he's ready."

"Oh girl, I've seen the way that boy looks at you and Ottis. He doesn't care, he wants you both and I know that for a fact." Jayla says, I smile.

"How do you know?"

"My mom and his aunt are best friends, I grew up around Clayton, he's like a brother I never had. He tells me everything." Jayla shrugs and my mouth drops.

"Wow, small world."

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