The Great Konoha Gates

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"Child Look what you have gotten yourself into!You should have listened to me!" My tale beast, Yora, yelled inside my head.

"Calm down your giving me a headache. Plus I didn't know that the Akatsuki would have gone berserk when I stole one of their cloaks and left a bomb in there hideout. " I responded as we were running in the forest."....Ok maybe I did, but you should have seen their faces, It was priceless!" I started to laugh like a maniac until Yora interrupted me.

"(Y/N)! This is no laughing matter your probably on their bingo book now. Honestly how did I even get stuck with such a child like this..."

As we continued sprinting through the forest using some of Yora's chakra to help me balance on my right injured leg that someone injured with an explosion *cough* Deidara *cough* We came across a giant gate.

"Child be careful, I sense great chakra in there. Not to mention that place is crawling with leaf ninjas everywhere."

" Yora, don't worry I know what I'm doing. Plus, I got myself a new cloak!" I responded with a grin. I could still remember Konan's screaming to hand it back to her.

It was really easy to slip by since two shinobi 'supposely' were guarding the entrance by sleeping. I got them back though by drawing on their faces with a marker. " Child, stop wasting time and buy whatever we need and get out of there fast. We don't have that much time before someo-"

"Who are you! State your business or get out this instance!" someone yelled interrupting Yora.

"Speak of the devil." Yora let out a sigh.

"Hey! Don't sigh on me! Yora it's your fault that you didn't warn me sooner!" I yelled back inside my mind. I could feel an irk mark appear on Yora right now.

" Stop ignoring us and give us an answer!" another voice yelled back. ' Wait us?' I thought to myself for a moment before I turned around to face them.

There was a jonin with a group of three kids. His hair seemed to defined gravity, he had a mask, and was reading a book...Wait is that Icha Icha Paradise?!

' pervert' I heard Yora mumbled. I sweat dropped at what she said. Next there was a boy with blond hair, blue eyes, and whiskers! So cute! Then there was another dude who had Raven hair that was shaped like a ducks butt and piercing black eyes, I mentally laughed at his hair. Finally a girl with pink hair and green eyes who had a surprisingly big forehead.

"That's none of your business." I stated calmly with a cool ass attitude. A loud thud was heard when the guy with the mask closed his book.

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