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" Hey Rayu, do you really want me to become your wife?" I asked out of the blew. Rayu gave me a quick glance before continuing on the flower crown he was making. His face lit up with a gentle smile as a pink hue covered his cheeks.

" (Y/n), I am honored that I will be getting a chace to be wed with a fair maiden like you." He said in a soft gentle voice. I leaned my head to the side at his words. He's gotta be joking right?

" Liar." I stated bluntly. He gave me a look with concern.

" What makes you think I'm lying?" He asked. I shrugged in response. " I'm not lying at any means. I have grown... a liking to you...(Y/n)." His blush darkened once he said those words and began to fiddle with the flower crown in his hands. I looked to my right to see Soyu struggling to make one himself. I let out a small laugh however, it didn't go unnoticed by him.

" Oi! Stop laughing at me idiot!" He exclaimed with venom laced in his words. I smirked.

" Says the kid who can't make a simple flower crown."

" Shut up!" He answered back. I playfully rolled my eyes at him before lying down on my stomach on the cool ground before me. A ladybug caught my sight as I saw it trying to fly with a broken wing. In a matter of second it landed right onto the ground with a small 'thud'. Feeling bad for the small creature I placed my hand near until it finally crawled onto my palm. Being careful not to damage it anymore as it was, I placed it onto a small flower. I smiled at the poor creature that layed in my view, soon realizing the passing of a hand waving in front of me.

" Hey! We have a surprised for you (Y/n)." Soyu admitted, his eyes avoiding my gaze.

" Suprise?" I questioned. I turned to look in the direction of the two siblings in front of me, taking notice of their flushed faces right away.

" Here!" They held their hands in front of me, the flower crowns from before dangling from their palms as their fingers gripped them in place. I raised my eyebrow at their declaration.

" (Y/n), i-is it okay if we..." Rayu started, seeming to lose his voice after speaking your name.

" ...Can have a kiss?" Soyu answered after his brother.

" Hmm... Should I?" I spoke my thoughts, trying to tease the ninjas in front of me. Soyu crossed his arms while Rayu kept fiddling with his kimono in return. " Well, since you guys did end up making these cute flower crowns for me I guess I do owe you a reward." This seemed to catch their attention quite quickly as they waited with anticipation.

" Thank you (Y/n)!" They both yelled with a toothy grin, their beautiful eyes showing a gleam of happiness in them.

Time skip to one month later!~~~~

" (Y/n), do you really want to marry them? At such a young age too." Nina asked with worry. I turned to look at him as he tied my new kimono. Today I was going to visit them yet again, but I was going to have to break the news with them. When Nina came back from his mission to find out about father's plans he was furious. So he discussed and made a plan with me. A plan to get back my freedom.

" Not really. After all I should marry someone I actually love. So I'll wait for that feeling to reach me." I said, placing my hand to my chest. My big brother gave me a kind smile as he began to brush my hair.

" Just make sure you come back here so we could continue as plan, got it?"

" Okay."

Mini time skip~~~~

I have to tell them! I HAVE TO-BUT LOOK AT THEM! My god stop staring at me! Why do you guys have to be so adorable!? Not to mention how you guys treated me these past few months...If I leave now does that mean I was just playing with their feelings? No, they don't think of me like that... Right, they don't. They were just following orders. Okay I got this!

" I nee-" I was shortly cut off by Rayu who held up a necklace in front of me. It had a heart shaped locket with flowers engraved at the top that were a shining (f/c).

" What is this?"

" Do you like it?" Soyu asked as he made his way to where we were.

" It's amazing! But, why?"

" Does there need to be a reason to buy something for someone you love?" Rayu asked with a kind smile.

" Anyways we hope you like it." Soyu stubbornly said as he crossed his arms. I thanked them before grabbing each of their hands so they were able to face me.

" You guys could stop with the act already."

" What act?"

" There's no reason to say you love me anymore. The wedding is cancelled." I placed the necklace back into the hands of Rayu. He looked at me with confusion and worry written in his face. Soyu looked the same except it was soon replaced with anger.


" I'm sorry, this is my own decision to make and I don't want to get married. Being outside and exploring different parts of the world is what I want to do. We could still be friends, isn't that better?"

" ...No. It's not."

" Rayu?"

" I'm saying it's not. (Y/n), listen to us well. My feelings nor Soyu's are fake! It was at first, but you managed to make us fall in love with you like it was nothing. And instead of returning our feelings your just leaving us? Do you really think we're fools and just going to forget this crap you pulled!"

" Rayu's right, you can't just leave. We won't let you. If you don't want to get killed then forget about your plans and marry us... Otherwise" In just a second Rayu appeared behind me, holding a kunai to my neck.

" Ne, what will it be (Y/n)? Stay with us or be killed right now? It's your choice."

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