Meeting Team 7!

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AN: In This Story I'll be making up some jutsus,I Hope you'll continue reading ^•^

"As a leaf shinobi of Konoha, it is my business to know who you are. Now I'll ask one more time, who are you and state your business." The guy with the mask said in a serious tone. I smirked, " I'll tell you who I am, but you have to tell me who you are as well and those three over there too."

"Fine, my name is Hatake Kakashi and these three are my students. Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke." He explained while pointing to each one of his students."Now tell me who you are and what youre doing here in the leaf village."

" I'm just a fellow traveler trying to find a nice place to settle down. Unfortunately, I never had a name before. My parents abandoned me when I was young." I lied. The ninja with him kept their fighting stance as Kakashi eyed me carefully.

" If this is true, then you won't mind showing us your face." He suddenly said. I froze.

" I'm afraid I can't. Like I said I'm just a fellow traveler and I'm looking for a place to settle down. There is no need for me to show you how I look. I'll just leave this place once I'm done getting supplies for my travels. I guess this ins't a nice place to stay after all." I shrugged to myself in (fake) disappointment.

" #12 in the bingo book. Name: Unknown. Abilities: Unknown. Basically everything is a mystery, except that this person always wears a cloak as dark as night. This is you isn't it?" He questioned out of nowhere. I let out a soft laugh alarming his genin.

" It seems the bingo book doesn't lie about you either. Pretty sharp if you ask me." I managed to say in a steady voice. Inside however, I was filled with panic under the situation I  was in. If I make one wrong move it'll be all over for me...

" Snap out of it child! Hurry and get out of there quick!"

" Right!" I answered her back in my mind as I tried to make a handsign. I took notice of them just staying still there as they smirked. Confusion took over me once I realized that I couldn't move at all.

" Shit." I cursed under my breath. Seeing them with a smug look on their face made me pissed. "God dammit! Who did this to me?! I swear their going to pay! Was it you Kakashi?!" I questioned with an anger toned.

" No it was me." A voice answered me behind Kakashi and his group.

" How did I not notice him?" I asked Yora hoping for an answer in return.

" I'm pretty sure this is the least of your worries, child."

" You're timing was perfect Shikamaru, Good work. " Sudden realization hit me with a brick. Was this part of Kakashi's plan form the start?!

"Let me go!" I scream at them with all my might.

"Man this is such a drag, anyways your coming with us." Shikamaru yawned and started to walk. My movements followed his exactly as I tried to process how it worked. Looking at the clan symbol on his back I realized he was a Nara. So this must be thebgreat shadow possesion justsu I heard about. Looks like those rouge ninjas didn't lie after all. A tick marked grew on my head as I looked at the white haired male in front of me.

" When I get out of this thing I'm going to destroy you Kakashi!"

"Oh really now? Are you sure about that because by the looks of it...your trapped." He emphasized the last part with a smirk. I clenched my teeth in response as we continued on walking to the Hokage's headquarters.

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