Doctor Who Imagines

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You were walking home from work. You couldn't believe your coworker took all the credit for a project you both well only you worked on. Lost in your cloud of thoughts as you continued to walk down a ally. You normally didn't walk down this ally but since it was broad daylight and it's a short cut, why not?

At first you didn't see it. But then you did. A 1978 blue police public call box. At first you stare at it confused knowing that it wasn't there before. You look back to think if you actually were in the same ally you used to go trough. You shrug your shoulders walking closer to it. 

As nothing happened you decided to walk past it and continue on your journey home. About 10 steps away from the mysterious box and you hear a creak, as almost as if a wooden door was opening. You froze as you heard footsteps. Turning around you saw a man dressed oddly. He wore a silly red bow tie and a tan coloured tweed jacket. You furred your brows and his dark brown leather boots walked across the pavement.

"Hello there." the man said as he was standing tall right in front of you. You managed to say in nearly a whisper, "H-hello." The man now wore a soft smile on his face, "Well goodbye! Oh watch this you'll love it." His smile grew as he turned around and ran to his box. He walked in the poped his head our and waved. Closing the door and disappearing into the box. You stood there confused as ever, not even knowing the mans name but him already acting as if he knew it, as if he knew you.

You soon heard a bunch of gears going on and off at the same time then a blast of wind making your hair fly back and you squinted your eyes to see he box fading. As the wind stopped the box was already gone. Your mouth dropped open as you walked to the place where the blue box once sat. Looking around you look up to the sky and rubbed your eyes. 

You thought you must be seeing things, or dreaming  but this all feels to real to be a dream. You walked home dazed at what just happened. Thinking of the man and his box all the way home.

Doctor Who ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now