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"Finally home." you mumbled to yourself, it was was long day at school today and you couldn't wait to sit down and read your favorite novel.

Quickly changing into some comfortable clothes you say down on your couch with the book in hand. As soon as your about to start reading you hear some odd notices from the outside of your apartment.

"How odd." you thought to yourself; you decided to leave the sounds alone but they got louder. You let out a deep sight and got up.

Placing the novel on the arm of the couch your bare feet walked on the cold hardwood floors. Looking through the peep hole you see someone quickly running by.

You quickly put some slippers on and opened your door, no one to be seen but a odd wooden blue police box.

Walking up the the blue box you looked around as no one was around. The spell of faint burning came to your nose and then heavy smoke came out of no where. At first you thought it was nothing but then you realized it was the Blue box smoking. Still no one to be seen, you hear the creaking of wooden doors opening and a man in odd clothing come out of the blue box.

At first you thought he was dangerous so you took a couple steps back but then you grew dizzy as the smoke surrounded you, you felt like you were in the middle of the ocean drowning.

Everything went black, slowly opening your eyes, you were not in your apartment building anymore, you were somewhere else, the cold medal floor under you shook and made odd noices then you heard, "Oh shut up!" then a small bang.

Coughing and shivering, everything went black again.

You took a deep breath and at up, looking around you were now somewhere familiar, of course you were at your apartment, warm in bed.

You sighed in relief, "It was just a dream." You pulled the warm fuzzy blanket off yourself. Your bare feet once again was on the col hardwood floor.

You opened your door to grab something to eat but there was a blue wooden police box in your way.

Authors Note:

I'm so sorry this is really bad but it was a random thought and I had to write it down no matter how bad it is. I might write a better one later!

Thank you for reading c:

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