Finding Geno

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Geno! Sans POV
I sigh. It's been 646 days, 16 hours, and 48 minutes since I was sent here. To the save screen. I feel a familiar tug on my scarf and open my one eye socket to see a small human looking up at me. I smile.
"Hello there Frisk!" I say to the human happily. Frisk smiles, her right eye flashing with the occasional glitch. But Frisks smile fades.
"Is there something wrong?" I ask worriedly. Frisk begins to rapidly sign with her hands. "Woah there kiddo, calm down. What's going on...?" I ask. Frisk calms down slightly and signs slower.
'There's someone else here.' They sign. My eye socket widens and my mind races. 'Someone' I thought. Frisk grabs my hand and begins darting around, taking me with them.

Your POV
You feel yourself on solid ground. You attempt to move, but you can't. You can only see darkness. You attempt to shout for help, to see if anyone was there. But your voice doesn't seem to want to work. All you can do is lie there, scared, unable to move, cold and hurt.
You hear the echo of footsteps. Or, four. 'Some one else is here!' You thought. You hear the same voice from your dream faintly speaking.
"Where are we going Frisk? Why are you s--" the voice stutters. The footsteps stop. You panic an begin shaking violently, pain and memories flooding back. 'Did they leave me? Some one, anyone?!' You attempt to shout. You choke back tears and you hear quick footsteps, coming towards you.

Genos POV
I run towards a girl lying on the ground. There was blood beginning to pool around her, emitting from several deep scars and wounds on her arms and legs. Her jeans were ripped and her sweater had many holes in it, showing open and bleeding stab wounds. As soon as she heard my footsteps stop, she began shaking violently and crying. I run faster, ignoring Frisks signs of protest.
I stop right next to her and study her face and appearance. She had H/L, H/C hair, and closed eyes. She was wearing a blue sweater with three gray stripes on it, torn jeans, and hiking boots. She had a blood stained satchel beside her. I notice that her left eye was glitching white. 'Just like mine..' I thought. I shake my head and start to speak. I was unsure if she could hear me, but it was worth a try. I finally spoke, mustering the courage to speak.

"Are you okay?"

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