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A/N: This song does not belong to me or has any relation to me. This song is property of Madopony. All the lyrics and music are property of him.

Your POV

You feel as if shadows were closing in on you and felt something warm drip down your neck. Blood. Your vision blurs and you shake your head. Suddenly, everything sounded as if you were underwater.

You saw Geno shouting something at you, but you just looked confused as you couldn't hear him. Frisk signed something to Geno and he started to tear up. More shadows.

Your last thought was just a random one. Something you believe you heard before. You mumbled it before passing out.

Genos! POV

I heard her mumble. "Dark, darker, yet darker...." I froze. She passed out and fell back. I saw blood staining her gray and blue shirt. Frisk panics and tries to clean up the blood and stop it. Damn, this girl gets hurt a lot!

--WEEEEEE time skip brought to you by a picture of Asgore with Mettaton legs.--

I was bandaging Y/N's neck with bits of my scarf, which seemed to keep glitching back to the way it was. She kept wincing.

"H-hold still Y/N!!" I said and growled a bit. "I'm sorry, it hurts!" She responded. "It would hurt less if you stopped moving!!!" I growled back. I finished bandaging her neck. She sighs. I hug her from behind in effort to make her feel better. Both of us blush.

I buried my face in the crook of her neck in an affectionate matter. "What's wrong kitten?" I asked her. I gave her the name kitten because of how jumpy and intelligent she was. "N-nothing!! It's just that the wound on my neck hurts!" She lied. I could tell. "Your lying Y/N." I said sternly, my voice getting husky. She shivers. "I just don't like seeing blood!" "Kid, your friends with an eternally wounded and bleeding skeleton. Your point?" I responded playfully. I felt my face get more warm. What was this emotion...?

She growls and I chuckle, letting her go. She turns around and we sit down, just staring at each other for a moment.  "Hey Geno? Why are YOU here?" She asked subtly. I froze and glitch.

"L-long story, kid..." I said, trying to hide my emotions. She saw right past my defense.

"....wanna talk about it?" She asked. She looked a bit worried. I calmed down a little. "Maybe next time, kitten." I said. She blushes and went on tsundere mode. "S-stop calling me that, idiot!!!" She said. I smiled brightly and laughed at her. She blushes more and growls.

"What're you laughing at!?" She asks. I keep laughing. "Y-you! Hahaha!!!" I said as I kept laughing, gasping for air. She boops my nose and I stop laughing briefly. I look at my nose and looked surprised and confused. She laughs.

At least this aftermath was good, huh?

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