Actually Meeting Geno

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A/N: I just love this song soooooo much. Anyways, ON TO THE STORY! Requested by Gokuthesayian35 ! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy.



We stare at each other for a moment. I study his appearance. Glitched eye, white clothes, giant scar. Blood. A lot of blood. Just the sight of it made me shiver. And what he said? I just don't know how to respond to this....

He gets a confused look on his face. I stare at him for a moment, my cheeks turning a bit red. God that face.....SNAP OUT OF IT Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT!

Genos POV

She's staring at me. I get a confused look on my face. Her cheeks turned red. Oh no....NO NO NO DONT TELL ME I-- GOD DARNIT GENO!

My cheekbones go bright red. Frisk walks over and begins rapidly signing, and I open my mouth to translate, but Y/N already did.

"Yes, I'm human. And hello little Frisk! Nice to meet you!" Y/N smiled. Oh. My. God. That smile....I feel my face heat up more. Frisk seems ecstatic! She smiles for the first time in forever and she jumps up and down before running off. I smile.

I see Y/N try to get up. I grab her hand and help her up, but a little too fast. She shoots up and her face stopped an inch from mine. As if on cue, our faces explode with red and we quickly pull apart, blushing.


"What just happened?! I've never been so close to a person like that before! What do I do, what do I do..." You thought. You see him staring at you, blushing. Your face explodes red and you puff out your cheeks. He smiles and snickers a bit. God that smile... "OH NO! NO NO NO! I DID NOT JUST FALL FOR A SKELETON!" You thought. He keeps staring at you, studying you. Your face heats up. Oh dear lord save your innocent soul.

You smile back, making his face more red and his smile wider. "Is it odd that I like to see you smile?" You thought aloud. Your faces explode with red. "I said that out loud...." You say slowly. He nods and hides his face in his scarf. You smirk and giggle a bit.

Shy. Bashful. Obviously smart. Caring. He doesn't have many friends. Probably likes books and music. He's nice.

You feel like you actually met Geno.

*File Saved

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