Confession time..?

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Three months later

Genos POV

I carried the small bouquet of golden flowers in my hand nervously. This was the day. The day I confessed. There she was, making flower crowns with Frisk and smiling brightly. God I love that smile, just looking at her makes me grin a little. And blush. Of course.

I held the bouquet behind my back as I walk over. "Uh...h-H-hey, Y-y-Y/N...?" I stutter, my voice glitching. She looks up at me and smiles. "Hey, Geno! Put this on!!" She stood up on her tip toes and put the flower crown on my head. I look up at it for a moment. I smile brightly and blush. She was blushing and smiling a well.

"Can I talk to you?!" We both asked at the same time. We laugh together. Gosh, and her laugh.....oh god I am falling HARD!(PLZ NO LENNYYYYY)

She looks at me with a faraway look. I sigh and look at Frisk. Frisk nods to say 'TELL HERRRR!!!!'

I take a deep breath and pull out the bouquet of flowers, holding them out to her. I glitch and blush brighter, not saying anything.

She blushes and smiles a bit, taking the flowers and slightly hiding her face in them. WHY IS SHE SO CUTE!?

"U-u-um....Y-Y-Y/N...I...." I struggle to finish my sentence and we both speak at the same time.



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