The Discovery

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A/N: This is going to be in all of Genos POV this chapter. Just sayin ;3 And I don't own the art for this chapter, but the cover image and the last 2 chapters have my art. Have a nice read ;P


Genos! POV
I sit on my knees next to the seemingly unconscious girl. I have to admit, she was kind of cute despite all the scars....WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING?!

I'm so confused that the fade screen started spinning. I knew what was happening and covered my mouth with my hand as I go into another painful and sadly bloody coughing fit. There was more blood this time.... Why? Why me? The coughing fit ends and both pools of blood seemingly flow to each other and join into each other. I smile. Why am I happy? I'm never happy here....

And when I'm in pain? Why would I smile in pain??? Its so odd..... I haven't smiled in ages. A true smile at least. Why now? What was so special about this human? I sigh. Better check if she's okay...

I examine her body. My eye flickers blue and yellow when I see deep scars on her arms. These...weren't fresh.....

Oh gosh. That means only one thing....NO! Don't think like that Geno! No more thoughts like that! She'll be okay, I know it!

I am filled with a tiny bit of DETERMINATION. I lift her body with magic, surrounding her in a glowing blue aura. She was extremely light for some reason. We're all humans like this?

I decide to check her soul. Her soul appears effortlessly. I hear Frisk gasp behind me. My eye socket widens and I almost drop her, but I catch her with magic.

Her soul was like a kaleidoscope! It flashed with all the colors a soul could be: Red, Green, Purple, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Golden.... Wait, Golden? How is that....I feel a slight tug on my scarf. Frisk was staring up at me with an expression that I could only assume was fear.

I shake the feeling and check her health with my magic. I was shocked when I saw her HP. 3 out of 13? How the.... How?! Why would her HP be so low? I also check her breathing. Shaky, but deep and she's definitely getting enough oxygen. Now for the cuts and wounds.....

I sigh. How am I supposed to stop bleeding? Frisk jumps up and down like they had an idea. They begin rapidly signing and I had to tell them to slow down again.

'What about your scarf?' They signed. I was confused for a moment but I soon understood what they meant.
"Frisk your a genius!" I exclaimed. I take my scarf in hand and I cut it off with a bone I summoned. I wrap it around the largest and deepest wound, the one on her stomach. Frisk smiles at my work. They seemed happy I went with their idea.

I lay the human on the patch of grass and golden flowers in the middle of the save screen. I knew the buttercups were poisonous when you ate them... Learned THAT the hard way, didn't I... But when applied to wounds, these things could work magic! They probably were magic, now that I think about it....
Heh. Odd that I now realize some things I never knew before. Maybe it had something to do with her? My memories I previously lost had begun fading back into existence too. So weird..... Oh well. I smile as I see a few of the cuts and wounds on Y/N's body heal. Good idea Geno. Good idea.

When I realize that she may have something wrong mentally as well, I hurriedly check the back of her head and neck. Maybe the reason she wasn't waking up was because of a wound I didn't know about? Hm....
She had a slight cut on her head, bleeding and staining her H/C hair red. Of course. Why do I not check this kind of stuff? Only thing I can say now is....

"Stay determined..."

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