4- the me I am now

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I walk as fast as i can down to my dorm, trying to not make eye contact with any of the staff. My heart feels as if its in my throat and my hands are clammy as i try to twist the nob on my bedroom door.

"you need some help with that?" I hear a calming soft voice from behind me. I look across my shoulder and see Clare -a staff member- standing behind me with a smile.

"ughm n-no I'm fine" i smile, twisting the door nob, the door swings open and i give her a gritted smile and i close the door behind me. I look around my room, taking in a deep breath. I look over at my draws, lunging myself at them in a hurry. I pull on some black ripped jeans and a black Bring Me The Horizon shirt, with a black hoodie over the top, since it's raining and cold outside. Grabbing my black beanie from under my bed, I pull it on over my messy brown hair and pull my converse on over my feet.

After grabbing a bag and filling it with nearly everything in my room besides my bedding, I peek my head outside of my bedroom and look around, making sure the coast is clear. A staff member rounds the corner of the hallway and its clear. I nearly jog all the way to the 3rd corridor with the easy open, but locked door. As i turn the corner, i see Blake standing by the door, wearing a black cap placed backwards and a black jacket with the hood flipped up and the sleeves rolled up.

He looks insanely good looking as i come and stand beside him. "you ready?" he smirks, his thin perfect lips pressed tightly together. I nod my head, hoping the nervousness doesn't show on my face. He looks down at me and grabs the big black bag on the floor, strapping it on over his shoulder. "how do we kick the door-" i get cut off from my question as he kicks the corner f the double door and it swings open, the lock smashed in.

"run!" He says to me and we run. He's a couple metres in front of me. I watch as his bag smacks into the side of his hip. He jumps over a small bush and is nearly out of site. I then start to focus on what I'm doing, nearly tripping over a small hold in the muddy ground, i leap over a small hedge and run as fast as i can, with my bag full of clothes, it smashes up against my hips with every leap in my step. I can hear shouting from ages away, but they aren't close enough to see me anymore, so I think I'm in the clear. I swear to god, i hope Blake is okay.


Fuck is all I'm constantly repeating in my mind as i run down an open road. My mind is racing 100 miles per hour, and m heart feelings like its beating even more fast. I can't even feel my legs as i run, Whatever Lets You Cope by Black Foxxes is the song that is keeping me from stopping. Its the song that't playing in my ear as i run, this song makes me feel powerful and good again.

I know there are staff members behind me, but they don't matter at the moment, only until i look behind my shoulder and see how close they really are to me. Only 200 metres behind me, it sounds like a lot, but once you're running away from the nightmare, it feels like they are closer then ever.

"fuck fuck fuck" I start to say as i scan the road for a little short cut. I went left because it was the longer way to the store on the corner of the road and i thought that Effy might get caught, so i had to take the long route because i wouldn't want her getting in trouble for something that was my fault in the beginning. I spot a breaking in the side of the road, full of bushes and tall trees. Jumping over a small log, I slip down the small hill into the trees and the bushes, but i don't stop running, i can't risk anything right now. As I continue to run, i feel a sharp stinging pain down my right forearm, then a warm liquid seeping out, running down the length of my arm.

I look down at my arm that is covered in plain black tattoos and my bright red blood "oh fuck" i mumble under my breath as I continue to run, holding my arm in agony as i near a corner and run through a couple puddles. I run up a hill where I can see random strangers walking up and down the street, I cheer in my mind and run down the street, brushing my shoulder past randoms who give me an annoyed look, not caring that blood is pouring out of my body. Is this how girls feel? but with out the pain and more anger and less of an emotional wreck than I actually am.

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