Real Life

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Anya was at home in her condo eating ice cream on the couch watching Harry Potter. When suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" She yelled

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"Who is it?" She yelled. Not willing to get up from her perfect spot on the couch. However she received no answer but the knocking continued.

"Are you a criminal?!" She exclaimed, still not willing to leave the couch, or her ice cream

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"Are you a criminal?!" She exclaimed, still not willing to leave the couch, or her ice cream.

"It's Ian!" A familiar voice laughed through the door, knowing exactly why she was asking those questions

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"It's Ian!" A familiar voice laughed through the door, knowing exactly why she was asking those questions. Reluctantly, very reluctantly, Anya put her spoon down and dragged herself to the door, opening it to his smiling face.

"Can I help you?" She smiles.

"Yes you can." He agrees "you can move in with me"

"Ian are you sure we're not moving too fast?" She questioned unsure.

"I'm trying to make up for lost time." He states "I've lost four years with you. I'm not losing another minute. So what do you say?"

"Well when you put it that way I have no choice but to agree

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"Well when you put it that way I have no choice but to agree." She say slyly.

"Yeah?" He questions with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah" she agrees with a happy smile.

"Yes!" He cheers picking her up, making her giggle. "I love you" he says.

"I love you

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"I love you." She replies.

Valentine's Day fills me with the feels! 😍😍
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Second Chance ~ Ian Somerhalder Where stories live. Discover now