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Yo, guys, I'm in a ranting kind of mood. The sun's shining, it's a bright day, most people are in a cheerful mood so why not ruin it all with a good rant, you get me?

It's actually funny how the person who told me to continue ranting-about a girl we all know I used to hate-but when I finally do decide to rant again, it's about her.

So she said to me today, "I've always liked Isobella more than you, I've considered her a better friend," [as you can tell this is going to be an open rant] and I'm just like, "Mate, if only you heard what I told my sister yesterday."

Now all of you, especially some people whose names begin with H and I/T will immediately assume that I'M in the wrong JUST because of past mistakes. They'll instantly be biased and go on the side of the girl I'm ranting about [it's obvious who I'm talking about, right?].

So. She said that she'd been calling the friend she prefers than me, every single day. And I'm just like, "What a hypocrite," because she judges me for calling this specific person that we argued about in History, today. You may think that I started calling Lu [the name I'm giving the girl I call], but I've always invited my friend and encouraged her to come on. Unlike her who has been discreetly calling Is [the name I'm giving the girl my friend has been calling] everyday and deliberately leaving me out.

Before you start saying that I started going to Lu first, must I remind you of that day when I found out that my friend and Is had been planning something and leaving me out way before I started daily calling Lu?

So really, what I've discovered today is that my friend has been sly and untruthful. I only started realising that maybe I do prefer this other person that her yesterday-but from what my friend has told me, she has always preferred Is.

And I'm just like, "You exposed yourself."

At least I'm not a coward. I don't get people to get rants for me just because I refuse to get the blame. I don't hide my true feelings just because I want someone to be able to pair up with in lessons.

Again, H and I/T will be thinking bad of me right now. But I don't see how I'm in the wrong, unless you're judging me for my past. One of the two is always telling me to apologise once they've realised that my friend and I have had an argument, and I'm just like, "For once, please open your eyes and realise that I'm not entirely to blame here. For once, forget what's happened in the past." And the other is forbidding me to talk to Lu, and I'm like, "What would you do if someone forbade you to talk to the girl who understands you most? Would you stand that? Wouldn't you get irritated when they judge you for still talking her despite being pointlessly restricted?" And now they're gonna judge me for saying that Lu is the girl who understands me the most but can I really help that?

And I don't know what to do now. I was planning to call the girl anyway but after everything that's happened, I'm really not sure anymore. Although I'm uncertain, I really feel like I still should because why give into other people's jealous needs? [Before you start saying that you aren't even jealous, you mentioned it once in History so..] Maybe I will call the girl. Forbidden love is cool.

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