Eye Contact

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I just don't look people in the eye. It's considered rude and I always worry that some teachers whom I don't look exactly in the eye, will be irritated at me secretly.

I just can't though. Look you in the eye so I can see you criticising everything about me? How about no?

There are only a few people whom I can actually look in the eye. I spent my entire school day with Isobella and Harmony for most of last year and so I've became comfortable with looking them in the eye. Same goes for Sierra. I've become close to her so I can look her in the eye. Luna is someone I can mostly look in the eye. I do feel comfortable around her but sometimes she just seems too perfect, you know? Like you can't look her in the eye because she'll outshine you. You can't look her in the eye because then you feel awkward to be around her presence as you realise she resembles perfection.

It was really awkward yesterday because as I walked to school, our former Quasar teacher stopped me and had a conversation with me. This was outside and as we chatted, I just focused my eyes on the trees behind her, and it was awkward because I could tell that she noticed the fact that I was seemingly concentrating on a piece of grass more than I was on her. I just wanted to say, "I'm not being rude, I just don't like making eye-to-eye contact, I'm sorry."

Idk why I'm talking about this, I should be counting the minutes till LunaWaterstone can call. Byeee.

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