My Day [It Was A Weird One]

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So let me just sum up why this day was a weird one: yesterday, a certain person apologised to her best friend, and my best friend and I made up, and then that certain person and I had a slight fallout. And it's really weird because ever since, like, a week ago, I haven't had a day where I don't talk to her. Whereas today, we were distant and it felt like a normal day before Thursday which was when we started becoming proper close.

And here's the thing: I'm not sure if I prefer it with or without her. Without her, it seems like the old times when Sierra and I would just get into petty arguments and that was all it-when HPRG were close because I didn't go off with the girl. But at the same time, now that I've seen what it's like her with her due to the past week, there was a hole in my heart, you know? Like, something was missing and I knew it.

And although I like how I'm experiencing the old times again, I don't want to let go of her.

First lesson was DT and again, I didn't really talk to anyone until the guy next to me started saying sh*t about my best friend. And then I started defending my best friend so the guy insulted him more, and then pinned the blame on me when my best friend-who sits in front of us-finally asked, "Why are you talking about me behind my back?" And I got blamed and my best friend was pissed until I waited for him at the end of the lesson even though he was one of the last out of class. Sierra was pissed 😂😂

Second lesson was Maths and it was hard to deal with: yesterday, we were just commenting on how we were glad we had a Maths lesson together today, and yet we didn't talk at all during the lesson today unless it was to say, "Oh," when we either did a question wrong or corrected the other. It was awkward. I just kept talking to Aqua behind me. Nevertheless, we did pretty good and finished all of the questions first.

Third lesson was Science and it was crazy. At one point, Isobella and Sierra had a match against each other and Isobella won due to her strength and khala jadhoo abilities. Sierra did nothing else during lesson but doodle, which she has been doing all day. I wanted Aqua and Isobella to have a match but the stupid teacher went away from our table.

Then it was Lunch in which it was chicken pie and mash. It was a kinda disappointing lunch. Isobella craved a orange push-up lolly so much but the line was so long and she couldn't get it. Harmony thought we were bullying her. Isobella said we should ditch German Club but although I agreed, Sierra refused 😢😢😭😭

Tutor was same as usual, of course. At one point though, I got a 1p out, Isobella got a £2 out, Harmony got a 2p out, our friend got a £1 out, and we all span it to see whose would last the longest. Isobella kept cheating though 😂😂 I approved of her using her khala jadhoo to cheat.

Then in Spanish, we got a new seating plan. And it was awkward because it could have been a really good lesson but due to our fallout yesterday night, it was uneventful. Aqua gave me loads of sweets though. She gave Harmony some too but Harmony took, like, 5 minutes to finish just one tiny sweet. And I kept copying from Aqua because I couldn't be bothered to do it myself. During the lesson, the teacher picked on me once to read out my paragraph but I hadn't been concentrating on the task because I was revising for Geography [which no one else revised for. This is gonna sound bad but I think the only reason I revised was because I wanted an excuse to read about climate change].

Then it was Geography, and it was the assessment. Let's just say that I could have done better on it. However, it didn't feel like a test at all because I thoroughly enjoy this topic-climate change-and learn about it in my spare time. I think I just did alright on the assessment. We got given optional homework to make something creative out of recycled materials. And here's the thing: I have a great imagination, and an extreme amount of creativity, trust me, but I don't like to put it in a form that's not words. So Sierra said we should work in a pair-she'd make the thing, and I'd write an explanation all about it.

Then it was German club. I feel quite bad because at the beginning, I made a jab at someone, but to be fair, they, quite rudely, immediately excluded me. I was all, "Well, SOME people are very unfriendly," and the way her expression changed-she regained her usual composure just a few seconds after though, which is impressive-showed me that she was pissed. Still, we played noughts and crosses, and bingo, in which I came second place. Yes, I did cheat, but in the end, I didn't even use the things I had cheated with. This girl kept eating and eating and eating and eating and eating and eating and eating and eating and eating and eating and eating and eating [now 'eating' doesn't feel like a word anymore]. I was really bad at reading out the numbers but to be fair, I haven't practiced German in months. I found it hilarious because at several points, the girl I'd pissed off at the beginning kept laughing when I couldn't do the numbers and I was just like, "Dude, I didn't see you get the highest grade in the class for German last term." I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not furious with the person I had a fallout with yesterday, I'm more pissed at her best friend.

Anyway, I came home half an hour ago and all I've been doing is gobbling up the sweets from German Club [I literally took almost every apple one, and more than half of the cherries]. I feel bad because I didn't give any to Sierra but I'm poor, I needed these.

Okay, so I'm gonna go watch Alfie. I hope someone calls soon. Byeeee.

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