Mikey is in 7th grade. he has a group of friends, Spinelli, TJ, Gus, Vince, and Gretchen. Mikey is trying to loose weight, he has yellow blond hair, brown eyes, and is around 5'7. There is a new girl in school, her name was Tiffany. Tiffany has shoulder length, straight dirty blond hair. She has brown eyes, and she wears glasses. She is 5'2 and is thin but not very thin. She has a tan skin complexion and her style is comfort over fashion. When she first came to school, Mikey was the first one to greet her. They spent a lot of time together, he sometimes chose her over his other friends.
"So Mikey how is things between you and Tiff?" Asked Gus.
"Its good I guess"
"You both clicked pretty fast" said Spinelli. Mikey turned red. All his friends had someone. Vince had Gretchen, TJ had Spinelli, and Gus had Theresa! Tiffany is very smart. She passes all her classes with A+. Mikey is smart but also has a goofy side.
"Yeah I guess we did" replied Mikey.
"Ask her to hang out after school!" Said Theresa with enthusiasm. She always has high hopes.
"That's a good idea" replied Mikey. After their five hour school day Mikey asked Tiffany to hangout. They went to her house, her parents don't come home until 9:30 PM.
"So do you want to do homework?" Asked Tiffany.
"Sure I only have Science though"
"Same" she smiled. They worked on the homework for a good twenty minutes.
"Uh Tiff..."
"Yeah Mikey?"
"What do you think of me?" His face was burning up.
"You're a great guy, sweet, kind, funny, smart, and cute" Tiffany said. She was evening blushing a little.
"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Mikey asked with all the confidence he had.
"Yes" is all she said before she kissed him. When it was the next day, all his friends knew they were dating. They were all over each other.
"Wow Mikey got the girl said Vince" while he out his arm around Gretchen. TJ kissed Spinelli, and Gus hugged Theresa. In the end Mikey and Tiffany were very happy.