Part 3- Fly with me

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Harry POV (sorry he's just easier atm)
I stood with my head against the cold tiled wall. I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay. I repeated this to myself trying to convince myself. I liked Ginny, I was sure of it. But the way he looked in the moonlight, how I felt when he was just in his boxers, how he spent the night with me, I wasn't so sure anymore. I decided to do the one thing that can calm me down, go flying.

I exited the bathroom, both Ron and Hermione went silent and stared at me. Hermione gave me a smile but Ron just stared. 
"I'm going flying on the Quidditch pitch. You can come if you want. But I probably wont talk too much. " I said sternly while grabbing my equipment. 
"We'll walk you down there." Said Hermione. I started to leave. 
"Wait a second." Ron said smirking, we all froze. "Doesn't Malfoy normally practice on Sundays out on the pitch. You normally complain about it." Hermione slapped him on the back of the head. 
"Ron!" She hissed. I took a deep breath. 
"Better pass me the tie then." I said smiling, trying not to show my anger. My heart was beating faster than normal. Hopefully Draco decided to study or read or just be somewhere else. But I know that he won't be. Ron passed me the tie, I shoved it into my pocket and walked off.

The walk to the pitch was silent and awkward. I walked ahead, not risking getting asked anymore questions. I couldn't see Draco on the pitch, maybe today's my lucky day. 
"So you and Malfoy." Hermione said, knowing that she's stepping on thin ice. 
"Yes what about us." I said sighing. 
"Do you think you'll meet up again or become friends or something." She said, gradually getting quieter. That was it, I'd had enough.
"I DONT LIKE DRACO MALFOY, SO SHUT UP ABOUT HIM AND GO AWAY!" I shouted. Ron and Hermione glanced up and I saw a slight taller figures shadow on the ground below me.
"You don't like me Potter!" Draco said gasping. 
"That's a shame cause I was gonna invite you to fly with me. After last night I thought maybe we could at least be civil with each other." I stared at him. Was he serious or was this just a little show? 
"Harry we gotta go and see if we can find um..." Ron said looking over at Hermione. 
"Ginny, we'll tell her you say hi" she said before running off.

"Young love, how sickening." Draco said before Turning back to me. 
"Here I brought your tie." I said sheepishly, handing it back into a paler, slender hand. He nodded and placed it in his pocket. 
"Thank you Potter. I will say though, your a lot more fun to look at in your sleep." He said before taking off on his broom. What was that suppose to mean? Was he watching me sleep! Butterflies formed in my stomach and a grin appeared on my face. I got onto my broom and flew off after him. 
"So Malfoy, you watched me sleep?" I said smirking at him. He blushed.
"Of course not Potter but you were making weird noises and faces so I checked if you were dying. It was quite entertaining." He said chuckling.
"So you cared if I was dying?" I said laughing. Draco, caring about me, there's more chance of me being gay. 
"Well Potter you are not allowed to die as then your friends and half the nation will be depressing and mourning the boy who lived...but died. Also who else would I pick on." He said scoffing and speeding ahead. I sped up after him, trying to keep my balance. I should've ate breakfast, or at least the apple.

Draco POV:
Just bringing back the noises and faces Harry was making last night, make me feel giddy. It made him look Un-innocent and made me question what he was dreaming bout. Probably Ginny, everyone knows something's happening between them. It angers me, makes my blood boil. I don't even know if he's gay, probably not knowing my luck. Loving a straight person is painful so I either figure out if he's gay or find out he's straight and break off any emotions towards him. He hasn't talked for a while, is he ok? I look back to see him slumped against his broom, HE'S DEAD! I slowed down to a stop and caught the stick as it flew past. I didn't know how to stop it without pushing Harry off. I careful leant over and tried to make limp Harry do the breaking technique, it wasn't working. I shouted all types of commands at it, nothing. Stupid Granger, putting a charm on it so no one else can control it. Only because potter hasn't had the best of luck when it comes to his broom being cursed. I needed to get Harry onto my broom or I needed to get onto the broom. I pushed Harry forward, carefully trying not to harm him. He was like a delicate rose, too much force and he'll fall apart. I didn't care about my broom anymore, just about keeping Harry safe. Grabbing onto Harry I slid onto his broom behind him and wrapped myself around his waist. He fell limp into my arms as tears welled up into my eyes. "Come on Potter, wake up. You can't do this to me, I can't loose you." I whispered. I had to control him like a puppet. I had the power to control Harry...stop is Draco no time for thoughts like that. I pushed and pulled Harry into the breaking position, hoping and praying it would work. I felt the broom slow down as we got closer to the ground. Oh thank merlin for that. We landed in between a small patch of apple trees.

I put down the picnic blanket I had and placed him delicately against a tree trunk. They don't teach you what to do in these situations, they teach us potions, charms and spells on how to get out of them. The problem is, I couldn't just conjure a potion out of thin air. I dampened a napkin with cold water and placed it against his head. Slowly he began to stir. "Harry, Harry can you hear me?" I said, trying to get him to talk.
"What...wha..Draco I mean Malfoy, what are you doing and why am I wet." He said confused. I giggled at his dazedness. 
"You fainted I think on your broom. Don't do that again Potter." I said going back to my normal cold character. 
"Where's your broom?" He asked. I clicked my fingers and it flew into my hands. 
"Right here." I said smirking. 
"Malfoy, you saved my life. Thank you." He said smiling at me and holding his head. I couldn't be cold to him like this. I doubt he'd remember me being nice anyway. 
"Here take these somehow." I said passing him two muggle medicine things. He took them in his hand and drank them. 
"You drink them! Are there's potions in a sweet or something?" I said inspecting the box. "They're tablets, hopefully for pain relief." He said sitting up and grabbing the box. 
"Why do you have them?" He asked. 
"Pansy gave them to me once." I said shrugging. "Here you gotta eat" I added soothingly, passing him a sandwich . 
"Draco I mean Malfoy, are you actually being nice to me." He said slightly shocked. 
"Well Harry I am not going to be held responsible for your death... yet." I lied, trying to be cold. "No your being nice...and using my first name." He said suspiciously. 
"Only cause you used mine first." I snapped back. "Now eat your sandwich and drink this." I said passing him my flask. 
"But not all of it as its still mine." I said defensively. He poured out some of the tea into the lid. "It's milk, no sugars. Sorry if you don't like that." I said sheepishly. 
"It's fine, wonderful actually." He said taking a sip. The steam made his glasses fog up. We both laughed. 
"Look Harry, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you. Can we please be friends, or at least not hate each other." I said looking down at the ground.
"I mean you did save my life and saved me from bordem last night. So sure, I owe you it." He said laughing. Finally...

A/n: idk what just happened in that but enjoy. They're friends now YAYAYAY. Byeee

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