*Arieana's POV*
"What the hell!" I yelled. "She had to know." He shrugged.
"Enough with the shrugging! I was going to tell her." I stated. "When? Today or a week from now when you don't even care anymore? She's your best friend and you don't even tell her the most important things that happen in your life."
"You were just attacking her and now you're attacking me?" I scoffed.
"Whatever." He mumbled and walked out of the building.
I followed pulling out my phone and ringing Morgan.
Yo you've reached Morgan. I can't come to the phone right now for some reason, probably eating actually. Anyway, leave a message and I'll call you back when I get the chance. Okay bye.
"What?" He asked harshly. "I'm sorry." He nodded.
"Why do you hate Morgan so much?" I asked. He turned around to look at me. "I don't hate her."
"Then why are you so rude to her?" He shrugged. "If that's not hate then please tell me what it is." I stated.
"I-I love her." He said so quietly it was barely audible.
"You heard me." He said then quickly walked away.
I stopped him and turned him around.
Just a second after the palm of my hand met the side of his face.
"What the hell was that for?"
"You don't get to treat her the way you do and then claim you love her!"
"No! You treat her like shit and you sit here saying you love her? Please Niall give me the definition of love because if that's it then-"
"I'm scared. I don't know what to do with my feelings so I bottle them up. I know I'm rude to her, and I regret it, but right now that's all I know how to do."
"Tell her."
"What? No!" He stated. "Tell her or I will."
With that I turned on my heel and walked away.
So this chapter sucks, but that's okay. Well, things will being to pick up soon!Vote

Spiteful Inclination
Fanfiction"I hate you, but then I love you. It's like I want to throw you off a cliff then rush to the bottom to catch you."