A Little Change

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It was a nice day in the middle of May, and Marina was just getting done with her year of home school with her dad.

This would be the last year before she headed to Homeworld, to be with the diamonds.

She wasn't ready, but neither was he.

What if she never saw him again?

She shook her head, starting to pack her bags. All of her croptops, which would show her gem, all of her sweatpants and all of her leggings.

Blue had 'called' her a week ago, asking if she was ready, which she was. Blue also had said she didn't need shoes.

Alas, it was time to head out as the green ship that looked like a hand had landed.

She said goodbye to her dad, one last time, tears starting to form.

She wiped them away, before mouthing 'I love you' to him.

He was sobbing, however. He had no idea what he would do.

The hatch closed as the teen stepped onto the ship.

There were other gems on the ship; other gems who were dying to see Pink Diamond.

She stared at them, slowly waving.

♢ Marina's POV ♢

I glanced at all of the gems in front of me. There were a bunch of rubies, who seemed to follow my every step, and a pearl, who had hair like mine, and was about my height, who would stand right beside me.

"Welcome back, my diamond," Is what they all said. I mumbled under my breath, glancing to the side.

I wasn't her.

I couldn't be.

♢ Narrator's POV ♢

Just then, a voice rang across the halls; it was Yellow.

"Marina, would you please come to the cockpit?" It would ask.

She would hurry to the cockpit where the diamonds were. White, Yellow and Blue.

They each smiled at me, and I smiled back.

Blue picked Marina up in her palm, to where she was at eye level to them.

"Welcome back, Pink." They each said, 'hugging' her with their fingers.

She hugged back, keeping hold for as long as she could.

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