♕ ❛ ᵀʰᵉ ᴾʳᵒᵇˡᵉᵐ‧ ❜ ♕

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Fast forward a few months, going from December to May, perhaps, and Marina was well in control of her little section on Homeworld. Of course, they wouldn't let her have control over the Earth - it was fully populated, and that was, well.. her home. Her dad lived there, and so did a bunch of other humans!

Speaking of the Earth, she had just learned something new about it; there was another gem & human hybrid living there, along with the rebels; The Crystal Gems. They were described to be a group of ruthless, gems who escaped from Homeworld, being quite powerful when all of them were fused together.

Apparently, they had a permafusion as the leader of the group, too. Garnet, was it? There were a few other gems, too. Like a renegade Pearl, who might've belonged to White Diamond? Maybe? Ech, she wasn't sure. There was also a runt Amethyst, a traitor Peridot - who called yellow Diamond a clod to her face! How crazy is that?! And, according to some gems on Homeworld, their leader, Garnet, is a fusion of a Ruby and a Sapphire! Which was, well.. reasonable. Even though they were rumored to have opposite elemental powers - fire and ice. And then there was the hybrid - Steven. There were rumors that he was the son of Rose Quartz - the one who had supposedly shattered her mother, Pink Diamond.

Psh, shattered. Yeah right. 

   There were supposedly some other gems that were worth mentioning in the rebellion, too, even though they might have not been rolling with the Crystal Gems. There was an orange Jasper - who had fused with a Lapis Lazuli who had been cracked and put into a mirror. Another gem, the last one she was told about, was a Bismuth. She was a blacksmith for the Crystal Gems, and it was rumored that she was the maker of the weapon that 'shattered' Pink Diamond.

Well, back to reality - Marina is in control of her own little section of Homeworld, etc. She wondered how much she hasn't been told; and how much truth she had been told.

It was quiet in her throne room; until she got a call on the communication hub from Blue Diamond. She said;

   "Pink, I know we're in our meeting - but we need to ask you something. Could you come here, please?" Marina muttered a yes, hung up on the communication hub and stepped down from her chair, and started towards the Diamonds' meeting room. Once they got there, she sat down in the chair they had for her - after climbing up a few sets of stairs. (Yes, she was that much shorter than they were.)

   "Pink," Started White Diamond, as Marina rolled her eyes slightly; she hated that name with a passion. She wasn't her mom - not entirely. She was half of her, and half of her only. "So, a while ago, Yellow and Blue had to hold a trial against Rose Quartz; or ❛ Steven ❜ as his small buddy called him. Using Blue's palanquin, Steven and his friend escaped. Now, they don't know you exist, as they still believe your mom is shattered." She paused, as Marina quizzically tilted her head. What was the point she was trying to get to? 

   "You're.. probably wondering what I'm trying to get to your mind, aren't you?" White sighed, as Blue let out a soft chuckle; though it stopped as soon as Yellow glared softly at her. Marina nodded.

  "Well, I'm just stating the fact that--" White started, but she was cut off by Yellow;

"We want you to go to Earth and spy on Rose Quartz, and those crystal gems, too." Marina blinked in disbelief, maybe.

"You'll have a disguise, for sure, so they know you aren't a diamond, of course. Don't blow your cover, or we may never see you again." Blue added, as all of the Diamonds nodded, and Marina let out a shaky breath.


                                              ⎰ 𝐸𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒.⎱


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