Welcome Home, Mom.

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Edit: Marina does not have Pink Pearl because of...special events, so I hope y'all understand. ~

Marina let out a huff as she sat down in the throne, glancing  around.

It was impeccably pink, as expected, along with the multiple Rose Quartz's bubbled in mid air.

She yawned, curling up in the throne. As soon as she knew it, she had fallen asleep.

[ d r e a m ]

Marina seemed to be in her throne room, but of seemed..darker. In front of her stood multiple gems; a Pearl, an Amethyst, a tall, reddish gem that was probably a fusion, a blue gem, an orange jem, whom was most likely a jasper, a small, green gem, a few others, but most importantly a human-gem fusion.

She could've thought she had seen all of these gems before.


Were these those 'Crystal Gems' the diamonds had warned her about....?

She blinked, staring at them all. She whispered 'Rhodochrosite..go get one of the diamonds...' to the gem that had been by her side.

Her heart was beating as fast as it could.

She slowly stepped down from the throne, gulping.

" W-...What are you doing he--" Was all she could say before the gems charged her.

Then it all went dark.

[ snap back to reality ]

She woke up in a cold sweat, glancing around the room. No Crystal Gems, Rhodochrosite was still there...

She just went back to sleep, ultimately knowing there was nothing to do.

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