First Buisness Day

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Marina let out a sigh as she walked down the hall, Rhodochrosite walking beside her.

      "What are we going to do after the conference, my diamond?" She would ask, as the slightly taller young ruler glanced over, light pink eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

      "Well, I don't know yet..we might go for a walk, or visit the human zoo," She paused, looking ahead of her, once again. 

"How does that sound, Rhodie?" She added, smiling slightly, as Rhodochrosite-- or Rhodie, as Marina called her-- giggled lightly. 

"It sounds fantastic, my diamond-!" She said, doing the diamond salute. 


Soon, the two had arrived at the meeting room. Walking in, Marina put on a smile, as White Diamond, Yellow Diamond, and Blue Diamond smiled at her. She'd walk over to her chair, before it sprung her up to the other three's heights. She wasn't expecting it, of course, as she wasn't expecting Homeworld to be quite like.. this. Even though it was significantly different from Earth, she still adored it. It was colorful, and actually being..noticed was nice. This was the most social contact that she had had in her life. It was overwhelming, but at the same time, it was a relief.

The four had gotten to their meeting, and about.. two hours later, it was done. Getting off of her chair, she huffed, immediately walking out with Rhodochrosite. The two pink gems seemed to stick out like a sore thumb in the midst of yellow tinted, white tinted, and blue tinted gems. Sure, there were some pink tinted gems, but you could hardly even tell, since they were in uniforms for Yellow Diamond, White Diamond's, or Blue Diamond's court.

..but soon, they'd all be back in PInk Diamond's -- or Marina's court, right? Like..Eyeball, the colony of ametheysts..

They would. Marina was sure of it.

But, for the meantime, there wasn't more than two gems in Marina's court - and that was Rhodochrosite, and Marina.

..or, more rather, Pink Diamond and her.. ' pearl '. Even though Rhodochrosite wasn't a pearl.

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