Chapter 1: Hallway

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My brother was always the golden child. He was praised by our parents and even by others around him. He was positive and strong... he treated his Pokémon with kindness and love. I admired him for it, but the thing about having such a wonderful big brother is that when he's the good guy everyone likes, there's always going to be someone in his shadow, watching how great he is... that shadow is me.

I watch my brother from afar, watching him doing so many good things and being the best he can be. He has so much going for him. He holds my hand, showing me a bright path even if I'm right behind him. He knew how to walk into the light with positivity, but all I could do was stay in the dark behind him and watch how easily he can walk without falling.

His smile lights up a room... he never fails on making me smile and make me feel good about myself, but he fails to realize that without him, I'm nothing. I'm a quiet teenager who gets scared so easily and messes up the simplest things that are assigned to me.

I work with my brother, Hilbert, for an organization who called themselves Team Plasma, who is run by our Lord N. The point of the organization is to protect Pokémon from ruthless people who don't know how to treat them the way they deserve to be treated. Hilbert kept me with him at all times and taught me as much as he could about being a good worker. I was determined to make him proud, but as usual... I mess up the smallest things

Everyone in our job sight looks down at me and make fun of my wimpy personality, that I won't make it anywhere, and I'll be getting fired really soon. I should throw away my uniform, they say... I should just go back home and stop wasting their time, they say... I believe everything they say. Hilbert defense me and throws a bunch of compliments about how great I am, but I'm not great. Who was he kidding..? I can't do anything right...

He took me away from our coworkers to our room in N's castle and made me look at him in the eyes. I couldn't get myself to do it "Rosa..." he spoke. It's been so long since I've used that name. Hilbert and I have been working for Team Plasma for two years, and if it weren't for him calling me by my real name, I would just go by my code name: Whitley "Why are you crying?" He asked me, holding my shoulders as I leaned on the wall, cupping my mouth

"Because... they're right. Why do I even bother staying here? I can't do anything right" I covered my eyes "you don't know what it means to be in your shadow. You're this moving structure of light that everyone looks up to, and I'm just there behind you. I can't catch up to you... I'm a failure, and you don't deserve to have a pathetic sister like me dragging you down" I turned away to face the wall "I wanted to work with you so I can find my way to show you I can be good enough for you to be proud of me."

"Rosa, what are you talking about?" He turned me around to hold my cheeks, forcing me to look into his eyes "I'm always going to be proud of you! No matter what! So what if you accidentally do things you weren't supposed to do. You're only human, and everyone makes mistakes. It's going to take time for you to adjust everything around you."

"What do you mean adjust..? We worked for this organization for two years! Nothing has changed for me! You just keep getting better and better!" I sobbed the entire time we stood there. He watches me pour my eyes out until he moved away...

"Fine" I looked at him staring at the floor "Since you said you were my shadow... will it be better if I moved out the way so you can have the sun?" My eyes widened at his serious face "I planned on telling you... but this isn't how I wanted to do it. I'm leaving Team Plasma."


"I don't think I belong here anymore. It's too much to explain, but during my travels through Unova with everyone here, I come to notice something different... my friend, she showed me a different path."

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