Chapter 3: Bus

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"W-what!? N-no! No! no! no! no! What if something happens?! What if I mess something up?! What if I'm attacked by a trainer!?" I pulled on my hair in a panic "what if they find out I was part of Team Plasma and try to beat me up!" Concordia held my shoulders to stop me from running all over the place as some of my friends stared at me with a frown

"Rosa! There's nothing you have to worry about! You have Snivy!" I looked down at Snivy staring at me from her food bowl "it'll protect you! We didn't train it with you for nothing! You have to put yourself out there! So many of these people can't go outside without getting criticized because of what they did. You never left the castle, therefore... You have a chance to be someone"

"We don't like having you hide all the time... You're a grown girl, and you can't just keep hiding from your troubles. It's time to grow up" Anthea crossed her arms as my eyes widened "This assignment is one step 1. I'm counting on you to at least do this simple task... All you have to do is look for this trainer, and see how he or she is! That shouldn't be so hard, right?"

"I-I suppose... It'll be easy" They nodded

"When you come back, there might be a second assignment, but we're not sure since we don't know anything. Come back to us safely" Concordia took my hand and patted my Xtransceiver around my wrist, the one I tried calling Hilbert from, but there was never a connection "You can always call us. You know we won't hesitate to help you" I nodded and looked down

"If it's a easy assignment... I think I can do this!" I made my hands into fists and looked at them in the eyes confidently. They took this by surprise, since I'm always looking down "I've been wanting the opportunity to get myself to get out there and do something for myself! I want to find my brother... but I know I have to build up my strength and believe in myself. That's what he would want... I'll do this assignment! Not only for you, not only for my brother, but for myself..." the goddesses smiled and held me in a warm hug. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd give myself a pep talk. This first assignment will be easy... slowly I'll be able to do anything and travel Unova like Hilbert did! I want to see exactly what he seen since leaving me. I'm going to make him proud!

It was the next few days that I was about to go do this assignment. I kept the disk inside my necklace where I kept a picture of my big brother and lord N on different sides of the locket. I blushed at the picture of Lord N, and used his picture to hide the disk.

I was given a regular outfit regular girls wear, I guess... I wouldn't know what regular girls would wear. My family and I lived in a small town where people wear overalls pretty much all the time. If the outfit I'm wearing right now is something normal girls would wear, I'm actually loving it

I wore a plan white button down shirt with short sleeves, and wore a plaid skirt that went down to my knees. Elizabeth, a friend of mine, helped put on my stockings and shoes... some others were fixing my head like I was going on a date

"Guys... What are you doing?" I asked shyly "I'm only going to look for something... It's not like I'm going to interact with anyone"

"Everyone is just excited for you" Anthea explained "you are always inside and they just want to see you go out there without having to worry about anyone recognizing you" I frowned at everyone

"Are you ready?" Concordia handed me a purse to keep some food in "the city the trainer lives in is pretty far away, so you'll need to pack a lunch. Don't worry, I put some money in there for you" I shook my head, gasping in disapproval

"N-no! Don't do that!" Rood walked over slowly "I can't take your money! We barely have any here! Don't! I know how to look for food on my own! So-"

"Miss Rosa" Rood spoke "we're not giving you the money because we need to. We're giving you the money because we want to. You have the same potential in your eyes just like the hero..." my brother? "I believe you can do your best to make this world more great than what you're brother did. We're counting on you"

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