Chapter 4: Tour

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Nate brought me out to a really high view over the city to look how pretty the outlook was! I couldn't take my eyes off it... is this what I've been missing all these years?

"What you think?" Nate smiled at the view. I nodded, looking down again "pretty amazing huh? I always come here after leaving home for a long while, just making movies" I stared at him taking in the breeze. Why..? Why did he bring me here? Why did he give me a tour of the city? He's been speaking to me like we've been friends for years. He's not even asking anything about myself or the locket. It's just casual conversation I didn't really try to continue, but he kept going. Is he trying to build my trust? I won't let him in... I have to do my job and leave as soon as possible

"Why are we here?" I asked

"I just told you" he looked at me with his happy brown eyes. They remind me of my brother's eyes... Hilbert... "I'm giving you a tour, and I wanted to show you the best part of Asperia! What do you think?" I looked at the view

"It's beautiful... but you shouldn't waste your time with me. I'm not planning on staying long" my hair swayed through the wind "I just want to get home as soon as possible... I miss my sisters and my friends" I sighed and looked at Nate staring at me with a serious expression now "I-I-I'm just trying to get by... I don't intend on meeting anyone during my time here" I bowed to him "t-thank you for the tour, but I have to go" I turned away so I can leave as soon as possible to the staircase

"Hold on-"

"Nate! Are you up here!?" I froze when hearing a new voice shout. The voice completely terrified me and froze me in place. They don't sound nice...

A boy I recognize from his picture on the disk walked up the steps, passing me to approach Nate still staring at me. I stared at the two with my back turned towards them, overhearing their conversation

"Where have you been? I was waiting for you this whole time! Why do you bother making movies for when we have other things to do! Today is the day!" Nate gave a big smile

"Oh yeah! I know! That's why I came back! I finish the movie already, so I'm all yours! I'm going to help you get your Purrloin back!" I flinched. So that's the boy definitely! I turned a little to over hear their conversation, and Nate noticed

"That's what I like hearing!" The boy, known as Hugh from his profile, pumped his fist with a wide smirk "I'm going to make Team Plasma pay for what they did! I'll teach them a lesson for stealing my sisters Pokémon!" His face looked scary. I stood there frozen and terrified. Oh dear....!!! If he found out I was a part of the gang, I think I won't live to see my friends and sisters!

I was so close to running for my life, but I had to stay and listen. That's all I have to do... listen "how did you feel about Purrloin being taken away from you?" Nate asked. These questions he's asking him are just ways on showing me what the team has done to the boy... he eyed me the entire time while High made a face

"What are you talking about? You already know how I felt!" Nate chuckled

"Yeah! But if you think about it now, you might be more motivated to look for them" Hugh nodded

"That Purrloin was suppose to be for my sister... she loved that little thing. I had forced her to battle with it, and I knew I shouldn't have... but they were having fun! They even smiled" he glared "I swear... I'm going to break them apart..." I flinched and hurried to leave

"Where you going?" Nate asked. I ignored him and hurried away with Snivy in my arms. Now that I know what happened, now that I know how he felt about having his Pokémon taken... I feel bad. I remember back in the castle when I took care of the Pokémon, there was a lonely Purrloin right by the corner before it was taken by the Shadow Triad. It was so scared... afraid of what it's future might hold

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