Chapter 5: Change

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Cheren brought me to his office inside the school while he had Nate leave, but was currently waiting outside the door. What does he want..? Why did he protect me earlier and not ratting me out of what he knows..?

A cup of tea was placed on the desk in front of me "hope you like herbal tea" Cheren said, sitting on his chair. I took the cup carefully and stirred it with my spoon before taking a taste

"It has a Cheri taste to it! My favorite!" He chuckled

"Yeah. I remember Hilbert use to love it as well when the four of us would go to cafés together" I took another sip before putting it down

"How exactly do you know my brother? Are you the reason why he left?" He cleared his throat and leaned back on his chair

"Well more or less... let me start from the beginning, shall I?" I nodded "Bianca, Hilda, and I were on our way to have a Pokémon journey together. They're my friends, and it was Hilda who first noticed Hilbert. She and I were walking in a small town when Team Plasma and their leader came to talk about the relationship between Pokémon and their trainers... liberation. Something like that. I can't remember those years ago" he stood up and walked around

"What he spoke was nonsense, as I saw it... Pokémon and trainers need each other. He thought humans and Pokémon would only be equals if we let them go. He didn't understand crap... the longer we went through our journey, the more we understood our Pokémon and they understood us" he sat on the desk to face me closer "anyways... Hilbert was one of the grunts that stood behind Ghetsis. When they left, he didn't... mainly because he was spaced out

"A young trainer called N spoke to us and wanted to hear the voices of our Pokémon. He took interest in Hilda's Pokémon since he found out that they liked her. She noticed N was staring at a grunt standing there off in space before leaving him be. That's when Hilda walked over and asked questions. Hilbert didn't really know what to say, but talked like a regular guy who happen to be our age

"We occasionally run into him during our journey. Even if he was a enemy to the Pokémon world for trying to take Pokémon way from the trainers, he stayed back and watch more than did anything. He hanged out with us more than he did with the gang" I remember he would come home late sometimes... but not enough to have me notice since I was always in the play room

"Our time together had been really fun. Hilda convinced him to stay with us longer so he can help us fight the gang, but it didn't really soaked in. He always talked about his sister staying in the castle and waiting for him to come home. He said she was a lonely child who didn't know how to take care of herself without him. That's when Hilda convinced him... her words made him leave. Listen Rosa... what I'm about to say shouldn't effect on how you feel towards your brother, and you shouldn't hate Hilda for what she said" I nodded, listening real hard

"You stay with your sister because you want to protect her, but how can you possibly protect her when you're not letting her see the world for herself? What if these people do liberate Pokémon? Do you really want her to be in a world where you can't be happy? She'll leave the castle eventually and see the world we didn't try to save. Help us defeat Team Plasma... you and your sister, all of us, we deserve to be happy with our Pokémon. She takes care of Pokémon, so she should understand how bad they would feel without our love. I'm not saying you should leave her forever, I'm saying you should leave and stop Team Plasma so she can come out to see a brighter world. Our world is in danger right now, and if you can't help us... no one is going to be happy" Cheren sighed

"even if it was so long ago, I can still remember her words stabbing into his heart. He saw how Pokémon are better off with us... they're more happy. He thought of you all the time, and he decided to leave so he can make the world better for you" I cupped my mouth

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