Chapter 2: Truth

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It's been months since I last seen my brother... I spend my days with the Pokémon in the playroom without the goddess sometimes. They would often find me by myself with the Pokémon everyday and always questioned me on why I never left until it was curfew. Of course they wouldn't know. I only stay in the castle because there's nothing out there for me.

Hilbert's gone and I still sob about it in the middle of the night. It's strange to say this... but the goddesses understand my pain and comfort me as much as they can. I heard they were Lord N's caretakers, and since he's usually out traveling around Unova, they put their attention on me and the Pokémon. Having them with me makes it feel like I have a mother again

Nothing changed about me since Hilbert left. Since he left, Lord Ghetsis notices me a lot more and even watches me taking care of the Pokémon. The goddesses say that it's a good thing to be noticed by him. I didn't know what to think about it really, I'm just happy I'm not lonely

Even if I have the goddesses for a mother figure and Ghetsis for a father figure in some ways, I still miss Hilbert. Why hasn't he come back..? Was I really that much of a burden..? There's no way to communicate with him... and that's when it hit me! He gave me a xtransceiver last year I never had the need to use because he would always come back the next day! How could I forget such a thing? It's still in the package for crying out loud!

"If you'll excuse me" I stood up from the floor when playing with the Pokémon and walked to the door

"Dear" Anthea stopped me. I looked back at her standing next to her Gothitelle "listen..." Concordia stood up next to her Gardevoir "I'm afraid today is a day when you're going to have to stay in your room. We don't want anything happening to you" I didn't like how serious they looked. They usually always look so calm

"There is something going on... Lord N has awakened the legendary Pokémon Zekrom" I put my hands in a fist in excitement and nodded

"Oh yes! I heard of this from the others! It's great! Now Lord N can tell the trainers of the world to release their Pokémon and they can finally be the perfect beings they were meant to be!" A Snivy, that's always sassy around the employees and even goddesses, walked up to my leg and simply stood there.

This little guy, girl actually, always showed affection towards me instead of anyone else. The Pokémon reminded me so much of the one Hilbert left with

"Yes... even if this is great news, but at times like this... someone has interfered with Team Plasma's plans. The truth..." Concordia held her heart "we do not know what's going to happen... but a battle is going to happen between Lord N and-" Anthea stopped her

"It's too soon to tell her" she looked down at me "Whitley... no, what is your real name?" This caught me surprise "do not worry, I want you to trust us enough to tell us who you really are. We've taken care of you since your brother left..."

"We have a feeling..." Concordia took a moment "this battle that will take place in the throne room and will begin soon... it will define the fate of Team Plasma... we want to let you know, whatever happens, we're going to be here for you" I have no idea what they were talking about, but they're all I have now. I'm so happy they came to my care after what happened

"Thank you..." I looked down "my name is-" the castle started shaking. I squealed and ducked down to cover my head in a panic. The goddesses held me up and held me in their arms. What's happening out there?

I learned that lately, my coworkers have been becoming more fussy than usual. They say that there's this familiar trainer keeps beating them and saying he's telling them that Pokémon and trainers can become partners and will understand each other. Those words are what I remember...

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