❀ five ❀

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A/N: guys this fanfic hit 1k reads and none of my past fics (which have been deleted) have ever hit over 500 so this means so much to me. you should follow me on twitter for updates on when im writing or going to publish the next chapter, if you want; @mlchaelcllfford (the i's in michael and clifford are lowercase L's) also should start posting the songs ive listened to while writing the chapter? idk im considering it lol okay hope you enjoy this chapter !! x

p.s. this chapter might be boring i dont know it was hard to come up with what to write so this is kinda just a filler to lead up to the good stuff :---)

Michael had given me a ride to school today, which was Monday. It was cold and I think it was going to rain today, so I wore dark jeans and a long sleeved knit sweater. Michael and I parted ways since he wanted to meet up with Francesca today. Now, I was walking alone. Out of habit, I turned to my side about to comment on how everyone seemed tired and gloomy today, but realized Michael wasn't by my side. I really need to make new friends, what am I going to do when Michael, or even Ashton and Calum, graduate? I thought about hanging out with Luke for a few seconds then shook the thought out of my head. How could I be so stupid to think that it would work out? He can barely deal with standing five feet away from me, yet alone hang out with me. We'd probably end up fighting, as always. With Luke now on my mind, I looked around for him. Instead of finding Luke, my eyes met with Calum. I saw him smile at me, but I looked away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him walking over to me.

"Hi Lilly," he said while hugging me.

I smiled into his chest and hugged him back, admiring the warmth of his body, a nice contrast to the cold weather outside.

"So, about the date after school. Do you need to go home to get ready or can you just go in the clothes you're wearing today?" he asked me.

"I'll just go like this."

"Great, I was actually hoping you'd say that 'cause I have reservations at this great restaurant. Hey, where's Michael?"

"With his new girlfriend. Well, I don't really know if they're dating. It's too complicated for me to understand," I said, pulling away from the long hug which was suddenly becoming a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, I saw her this morning." Calum dryly said. Unsure of what to say, I nodded and told him I would go to class. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I had math, science, and my free period. And math happened to be the class I had with Luke.

Walking into class, I slipped into my seat and took out my notebook, already bored with the class. I rested my chin in the palm of my hands and placed my elbows above the table, expecting Luke to show up any minute. The bell rang and he still wasn't here. Losing all hope in him, I sighed and opened my notebook, trying to pay attention to the class I was failing.

* * *

School was boring as usual, but I sat with Francesca and Michael today at lunch. They're really cute together; it occured to me that I would probably never get a relationship like that.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I put my headphones in and turned the volume up to full volume. I walked to the front of the school until someone tapped my shoulder.

"Lilly, holy shit. I've been chasing after you from across campus, yelling your name." he said while panting.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I said while laughing. "Shall we go on that date?" I said, attempting to use a British accent.

"First of all, your accents suck," he stuck his tongue out and I laughed. "Second, yes, we shall. But I have to stop by at work, my manager wants to talk to me about my request for a raise, it'll only be five minutes. I'm probably making a really bad start to a first date, taking you to Pet Smart." he said as he shook his head and laughed. I found myself laughing as well as we walked over to the school parking lot. Getting into his car, I turned on the radio and "Good Life," by One Republic started playing.

"Oh, this has gotta be the good life!" he and I yelled in sync as we both laughed.

In under ten minutes, we were at Pet Smart. I felt the cold breeze hit my face and Calum wrapped his arm around me, smiling. I couldn't help but blush, it wasn't in my control. He must have seen me blush, because his smile grew even wider as he looked down at me.

We walked through the automatic doors, casually stopping in front of them as Calum jumped from my side and extended his arms, claiming he had "the Force." I noticed that the date hadn't even started, and I've been laughing the majority of it.

"Okay, well, I'm going to talk to my boss. I'm sorry again for making you come here, it was just really urgent. Feel free to walk around and stuff, here's the keys to the puppy play pens." he said while throwing the keys at me. I caught them and smiled at him, finding it amusing at how he felt so bad for bringing me here.

"It's okay, Calum. You didn't make me come here, I agreed to. There's a difference," I said as he smiled and nodded. Looking at the keys in my hand, I found the one he was holding seperately and wandered around in search for the puppies.

Finally finding them, my eyes widened in excitement as I unlocked the cage and let myself in. I picked up a tiny pug and held it so that it was face-to-face with me.

"Hi puppy."

He, or she, tried to lick my face, but I jerked back before he/she could. I turned the puppy over a little to check the gender, yes it was weird but it was necessary. It turned out to be a female, so I named it Clover.

"Clover, this may not be your permanent name, but I think it suits you." I said while nodding at the puppy, who just stayed still while her tongue hung out. I heard the gate click open and close again, and I turned around to find Calum smiling while looking at me and my new friend.

"I see you've taken interest in one of our puppies," he said, trying to mimick the voice of someone in an infomercial. I giggled and held the puppy next to my face as Calum picked up a puppy for himself. He started making the puppy dance, and I burst into a fit of giggles. We sat on the ground and played with each puppy, giving them temporary names.

"Oh fuck, I forgot about our reservation," Calum said while checking his phone. He looked stressed, worried, and nervous.

"It's okay. I actually enjoy this more than a cliché dinner at a dimly lit restaurant with snobby people surrounding me." I reassured him and put my hand on his shoulder. At that moment, I realized the lock was jingling, and before I knew it, all the puppies had ran out; even Clover and Calum's puppy, Ian, were trying to squirm out of our grips and follow their friends.

"Fuck, I didn't lock it correctly!" Calum exclaimed as he quickly stood up and extended a hand out to me to help me up as well.

"Don't worry, let's just go get them and put them back," I said.

He nodded and we ran from aisle to aisle, putting back each puppy carefully. There were only two puppies left to find, and we were sprinting from one side of the store to the other just to find the damn things.

Calum decided it would be best if we separated, so he took one side of the store while I took the other.

As I was running, I heard Calum yell. I turned on my heel and followed the sound of his voice and constant swear words.

When I found him, I couldn't contain my laughter. There he was, sitting on the floor drenched in dog pee as the puppy was trying to pull one of the chew toys off the rack.

"Don't just stand there, help me!" he shrieked. Clutching my stomach, I laughed even more as I held out one hand for him to use as support to stand up.

"My shirt is drenched in dog pee. He pissed all over me!" he pointed to the cute little beagle dog.

"Just take it off then," I joked.

He shrugged and pulled his shirt off in one swift motion. I couldn't help but check him out, and he had great body.

"I didn't mean literally, Cal!" I yelled as I covered my eyes. Michael's childishness rubbed off on me.

"Don't act like you don't love to see all of this!" he said as he swinged his shirt around his head.

We both burst into a fit of laughter, but someone walked in the aisle and Calum went stiff.

"Oh. Hey, Luke."

Study Break // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now