Chapter 1

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Y/N's P.O.V.

My converse slapped against the disgusting concrete floors as I walked up to an expensive looking hotel room. The lavish doors were open, letting the cool morning air into the place. I could see multiple employee's going about their days inside the hotel as I stood at its entry looking like the idiot I am, 5 coffees balanced meticulously in my right hand.

My heart felt like it was going to fly out of my chest, even though I knew that wasn't physically possible. I shut my tired, Y/E/C eyes and drew in a long breath, in and out. As I opened them, I willed my nerves to not give away my nervousness to the people I needed to impress.

I smoothed out my yellow sweatshirt and checked my jeans for stains before I entered the Marriot.

"Hello!" the little blond at the front greeted me with smiling eyes. Her head was tilted to the right slightly, reminding me of what a puppy would do to it's beloved owner. Her sparkling teeth shined against her crazy lipstick. I made a mental note to whiten my teeth before the next time I applied that shade to my own lips. "Welcome, dear! May I help you with anything on this fine morning?"

"Service with a smile. I like it," I muttered, trying to be as polite as possible. "Um... I'm Yn. Yn Yln. I'm supposed to be meeting, um.. Wes Ball, in his hotel room? I think? At least, that's what I was told. Do you mind helping me get to him?

"God, I'm sorry," I shut my eyes with a grimace. I folded my arms and rested them on the lady's desk, taking deep, slow breaths. My hands were shaking like none other.

"Oh, of course, Darling," her southern accent was popping out. "I am just going to need to see some ID, if that's alright," she scanned her computer screen quickly as I reached into my purse to fetch my wallet. "Wes Ball, you said?"

I nodded my head and plastered a smile on my paling face. Thoughts of uncertainty raced through my head for no real reason.

"Perfect, perfect. I'm just going to ring him up to verify everything. Makin' sure it's all fine and dandy... Beautiful, beautiful," she smiled again. Her bright blue eyes distracted me a tad, which I was more than happy with.

Awkwardness choaked the air.

 My hand found the pocket holding my phone and turned it on quickly. I busied myself with scanning the weather app, making it look as if I had something of importance to accomplish. My heart thudded against my rib-cage as I waited for that southern accent to pull my eyes away from my phone screen.

"Great! Alright... I just spoke with the man. Alrighty," she pulled out a post-it note and began to scribble upon it in loopy cursive. "On floor five, room number five-oh-seven. He said just to knock on the door," she giggled. It was forced, as if she were trying to flirt with a lad at the pub. My eyes widened as they fell to the piece of paper in my shaky hand.

The blood that was thumping at my ears quieted the smallest amount. All of that information that had already faded from my memory was printed neatly on the note card. Without it, I was sure that I would go to the wrong floor. Even with all the information written down, that could very well possibly happen.

My lips curled into a polite smile as they pressed together. With a soft head nod, I thanked the peppy southerner.

I slipped the paper into my pocket and turned to go deeper into the lobby. My eyes fluttered quickly over the walls of the hall, the thought that I needed to find the elevator settling in the back of my mind.

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