Chapter 2

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Heyyy. How're y'all doin'? Hopefully good. Thanks for all the love, see you!


Y/N's P.O.V.

My Y/E/C eyes scanned my phone, taking in information from an E-mail sent from Wes. Important dates and times were screenshot-ed as I came across them. I was much too lazy to actually pull up the calendar app to punch the events into my phone. I figured I could do that later in the day, when I had nothing going on.  

My back was pressed against the cool metal wall of the elevator I had been in four days before, chatting it up with a certain attractive actor.

I couldn't get the beautiful boy out of my head. His silky voice haunted my mind, his dark eyes were permanently imprinted on the forefront of my memory.

A slight blush dusted my cheeks as I slipped my phone into my jean butt-pocket. These thoughts embarrassed me immensely, I barely knew the guy! He could be totally cocky and disgusting. Or the opposite of what I am looking for in a man. I am not even looking for a partner! He's just pretty. That is all. He is simply pretty. And fucking darling.

But, my heart fluttered every time I thought of his name. Every time the memory of his smirk popped up in my tired mind, I couldn't help but sport a giddy grin.

The crash of lack-of self-worth piled up on my heart. He was completely out of my league, maybe even a little too old for me as well. His face was too beautiful to match mine, his status too high, mine too low, his body made of gold, mine of absolute shit.  

I am not looking for a god-damned man! Relax, Yn!!

I took a deep breath, grabbing the handle of my grey, old, worn suitcase. The thoughts of the sexy Brit were pushed from my mind as I tried to remember which room I would be staying in for the next couple months. 506, 506, 506...

I decided to stay in the same hotel as the rest of the cast, making everyone's life (hopefully) a little bit easier. Especially mine. That way, I would be able to be around Wes a little bit more, learning and assisting from and for him as efficiently as possible.

I wasn't really sure exactly what that meant, so I thought that if I was around Wes a little more, I would figure it out quite the bit sooner than I did if I weren't staying there.

The lift lurched to a stop, rocking me on my uncoordinated feet. My Y/S/C hand left the handle of my old bag and latched onto the greasy handle located at my waist. A grimace contorted my face as I let go, wiping my hand onto my jeans.

The golden doors slid open silently, a green little 5 flickered above them, letting me know what floor I was currently on. Stepping outside the small compartment, I let the large case travel behind me as I scanned my surroundings, wondering where exactly I needed to be heading.

My Y/E/C eyes found a little sign on the cream-coloured wall opposite of me, hanging directly above a vintage-looking entry table that held a small array of flowers upon its face.


I stepped quickly out of the elevator, pulling my stubborn luggage behind me. 

As I walked down the hall towards my new residence, I silently judged the putrid hues of green and orange that made up the carpet I was walking on.

Quickly, I came upon the room I would be staying at, 506. The door was a deep green, the number 506 carefully carved into it's surface in clean calligraphy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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