Chapter 2: Sang

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The electrician came about an hour after I got back to the house. While I was waiting, I separated the cleaning supplies and the paint for the outside and inside. I got all white paint for inside of the house, I figured that would be the easiest to paint over once I decided what colors I wanted, but I knew that I didn't want to look at the peeling walls anymore.

I put all the paint and the cleaning supplies for outside in the study, since I probably wasn't going to get that far today. At the discount store I found, I managed to get a bunch of rags, window wipes, bleach, pine sol, a mop, broom, dustpan, and an extended duster. I figured I'd start with the master bedroom since I'll need a place to sleep once I get tired of cleaning. I had just finished wiping the windows and cleaning up all the dust when there was a knock on my door.

I rushed to the front and greeted the electrician, before showing him around the side of the house to the fuse box.

"Is everything in the house turned off?" He asked me.

"Yes," I replied. "I just moved in, so nothing's turned on or plugged in."

"You're not out here by yourself are you?" He asked in that concerned citizen voice.

"No, my boyfriend just went into town to get some more stuff for the house." I lie easily.

"Oh, good. A little thing like you shouldn't be out here alone."

Instead of responding, I send him a shy smile and watch as he works on the fuses, making sure everything is connected and grounded.

"The wires aren't too bad." He comments, "Just a little rusty. Should hold up for a while, but if anything happens just call this number and we'll send someone out."

He hands me his card and I look at it before slipping it into my back pocket. I may know about a lot of things, but electricity isn't one of them and I'd hate to have my new house burn up in flames for something that could've been avoided. I'll make sure to keep his card in a safe place.

"Will do." I tell him with a smile. "Thanks for coming out on such short notice."

"My pleasure ma'am."

After he closes up the fuse box, I lead him over to the back of the house to get the water turned on, and then down into the basement so that he can check the boiler. Once everything is done, I walk him back outside and around to the front of the house. I watch as he gets in his car and drives away, before going back inside the house.

Once I'm inside, I grab the ladder that I set aside earlier, and get started on replacing all of the light bulbs in the house. After that's done, I get back to cleaning my new bedroom. I bleach the tub, sink, and toilet, before wiping them over thoroughly, and clean the windows. Then I sweep and mop the floors and then get started on the kitchen while I'm waiting for the them to dry.

I managed to get a few non perishables from the supermarket while I was out. I figured I'll do some heavy shopping tomorrow after I can actually place things in the fridge.

I clean the windows, and the insides of the cabinets before bringing out the screw driver and nails that I bought from the hardware store. None of the cabinet doors are broken, just a little off the hinges, so putting them back together is a quick fix.

After the doors are no longer hanging by a thread, I clean out the pantry shelves and place the food inside. I make quick work of cleaning off the rounded seat of the breakfast nook and table so that I can eat a quick snack. I bring out a few crackers and cheese along with one of the water bottles from the value pack I bought, and relax for a bit while munching. The room is already starting to look better and the sun is just starting to set. I'm not really sure what time it is, and I make a mental note to see if the clocks I've seen in the great room and study are working.

After my break, I go into the study to grab the heavy duty cleaners I bought for the fridge and oven. After turning on the light, being thankful that they actually work, and making sure both are still unplugged, I get to work.

It's well into the night when I decide that they've both been cleaned as thoroughly as possible. I dust my hands off, and decide that a nice hot bath is in order, before I get ready for bed.

While I'm soaking in the bubbles that I decided to splurge on, my mind wonders to my neighbor Owen. Why was he so interested in helping me today? It couldn't have been just because he was feeling neighborly. Something tells me that he couldn't care less about the affairs of others as long as they stayed out of his way. At least, that's the impression I got from the suit. And why was he wearing a suit? He couldn't have been more than a few years older than me. What guy in their early 20's already has a job that requires a suit? Doesn't make much sense to me.

And speaking of jobs, I'll have to find one soon. Although I'm not too sure how I can find a job without, you know...existing. My oh so wonderful father failed to register my birth when I was born. Yeah, he's definitely not winning any father of the year awards. Not by my standards anyway.

After my bath, I get dressed in a loose set of pajamas, and get the bed ready. Pulling out the mattress cover I bought at the store, I strip the bed and place it on, throwing the old sheets and blanket into the big garbage bag I have set up in the corner. After getting the bed fitted with the new sheets I managed to get on sale, and the pillows, I lay down and let the exhaustion from today take me swiftly into dreamland.

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