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A tall blonde walked through a busy airport during the afternoon. She was alone but managed to roll three bags behind her on the white ground. People occasionally got tripped up on them and she would turn to apologize to them softly, before turning back around and trying to navigate her way through the crowd of people.

She looked up at the signs the airport had, with different arrows and such, but every turn and twist she had taken so far, just made the signs confusing to her.

Dinah wasn't expecting to see any familiar faces, she had never even travelled till then, and the long plane ride made her sure that she didn't want to travel anymore either. She busied herself on the plane by reading the in flight magazines. There was nothing new there. The same old news about the snobby celebrities and the ones who gave to charity. There was a name in particular that was all over the first page and a few on the inside of the magazine, but Dinah couldn't remember it, no matter how unique she remembered saying that it sounded.

Despite having flown a great distance from where she had grown up, Dinah hadn't expected any calls from her family either— except maybe her mother. Her father didn't care about the opportunity she had chosen to take and her siblings were too young to even realize that the person who took care of them everyday would now be gone. They would probably be happy that they didn't have their older sister around to nag them about completed homework and asking them if they had eaten. They wouldn't miss her, but Dinah would definitely miss them.

She looked up after she exited the door for arrivals. There were a lot of signs being held up and Dinah was told to look out for one with her name on it. The blonde turned her head left and right at least two times, before she spotted a bulky man with dark shades on and a nice black suit. Her name was written on the white card he held and as she started to walk towards him, she grew a little intimidated. The man was bald, with a thick dark beard and bushy eyebrows that Dinah only saw when he raised one at her.

He looked down at the blonde as she reached the rope.

"Dinah Hansen?" He asked. The girl nodded her head. He lifted two of her suitcases over the dark blue rope, then proceeded to drag them. When he noticed that she hadn't followed, he looked back at her. His voice was gruff and powerful in the noisy airport. "Come on, ma'am. I have to get you to your hotel by six."

Dinah wasted no time in walking around the rope. She dragged the one suitcase she was left with and tried to catch up with him, but his strides were too fast.

They dodged people on the way and Dinah could hear her sneakers squeak against the tile. She didn't bother to ask where they were going, she just let him lead the way. When they made it out of the doors, there was a black SUV there that had been parked on the curb. The backseat door was opened for Dinah by another man, who took her suitcase and put it in the back with the other two. The man then got into the passenger seat and turned to her.

He had dark shades on, just like his friend that had held the sign with Dinah's name on it, but he looked friendly. A bright smile was given to her, and he lifted his shades to reveal blue eyes.

"I'm Steven, this here is Patrick." He gestured to the burly man that got into the car with a huff. "We were hired by your manager, which would be the scout that got you here— Mark. We'll be your security detail from now onwards."

Dinah took the hand he extended to her. He wasn't as big as Patrick, but he was definitely muscular. His suit was black as well, and after he shook Dinah's hand, he brushed some lint off of it.

"Patrick doesn't talk much." He said jokingly. His friend drove away from the airport without a word. "Seatbelt, please, ma'am."

Dinah shook her head as she looked down for the seatbelt. "You don't need to call me, ma'am. Dinah is fine."

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