Loss of Hope & Revealments

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I know y'all mad as fuck at the kid, but I'm gone do better. I'm gone finish this book, i promise. I took a hiatus, but now I'm back popping. Leave some comments and votes to help persuade me to keep going. Y'all like the new cover? I made it myself. also do y'all like the new female lead? I love her and I think she's absolutely gorgeous. And even though I had a not-so-great day today, I am still living a healthy life, so I can't complain. Anyways lets get this popping!

Ariane Ayanna Aston

Cold. Dark. Quiet.

Those were the only words I could use to describe my settings, seeing as though I was blindfolded and tied at my wrists and ankles. My body was laid out on a mattress that was nowhere close to being comfortable. My body ached from the blows that were sent to my body as I fought my abductor. I had been taken. Someone had kidnapped me as I rode around the city, to clear my tangled web of thoughts. After I saw Zuri and Tyson kissing, I wanted to explode. My best friend and the man I would give up my heart for, were touching in such an intimate way that was only meant for us.

I felt betrayed. Zuri was supposed to be my best friend but she put me down in such a way that made it seemed as though she hated my entire existence. And Tyson, I expected so much more from him. When he pulled her closer and kissed her with a desire he was supposed to have only for me, my heart was snatched from chest by the Devil and torched by the demons of Hell.

I had never hurt neither one of them in any way, shape, or form. But to see them locked on to each other did something to my soul. The pain of seeing Tyson wrapped in my "best friend's" arms, hurt me ten times worse than MY mother's beatings. I have suffered from broken bones many times, but my broken heart made me want to jump into a burning building to stop the pain.

The sound of a door being unlocked, quickly ripped me from my thoughts and back into my harsh reality. Multiple pairs of footsteps, echoed through the room. I could hear their light breathing, as they stood over my curled up frame.

I screamed as my arm was snatched by a large, calloused hand.

"Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch." a terrifyingly familiar voice demanded.

It couldn't be. It couldn't possibly be HER.

The blindfold was then snatched off, and I looked into the eyes of the devil.

"Did you miss me baby girl?" MY mother stared me in the face, with an evil smirk.

"Why the fuck did you kidnap me ? My dad is going to kill you when he finds out about the stupid shit you've pulled!" I yelled as tears stained my cheeks.

"Your father won't be finding out about this you ungrateful little bitch. Now shut the fuck up!"

More tears cascaded down my cheeks as I stared down this ungrateful human being I called my mother. My eyes darted to the left of her and i choked on my spit.

"Mikah! What the fuck are you doing with her?" i said as I tried to register the fact that he was standing here before me.

"I'm just getting what's mine baby girl that's all." He smiled and brushed my locs out of my face.

"What's yours? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You." He smiled before walking to a duffle bag in the corner.

"Here," he said and threw the large duffle at Cruella, "it's half a mill in there like you requested."

i stared at them lost as fuck, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Why are you paying her and why am I here?" I asked Mikah.

"I'm paying for you. She wanted you dead but i pay her every six months and you live to see many more days. So now you're mine." He smiled and turned to escort Cruella out.

"Au revoir." She waved over her shoulder. The door slammed with a heavy thud, and from there I lost it.

I did not know when I would see day light again, or if I would see it all. Mikah was supposed to be Tyson's closest friend, yet he kidnapped me for himself. The flood of rivers returned as I screamed to the top of my lungs. I had to get away from here. I had to be strong and not some weak little girl, that everyone thought I was. My mind and body soon grew tired and I fell back onto the mattress an cried my self to sleep. No matter how hard I tried to be strong, it seemed as if those walls would always come crumbling down.


did ya like it? did ya love it? did ya wanna put a ring on it and marry it.

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but it's late asf and I got work in the a.m. I HOLLA

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