Tim Drake x Reader

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Your heart was beating a mile a minute in your chest as it rose and fell rapidly. You sat in a chair, your hands tied behind your back as the green haired phyco path  kneeled  before fore you, his back faced you as he set up a video camera
"The red one goes to the blue one and the blue one goes....here? Hmm this is too complicated, aha! I've got it!" He said happily as he tapped the camera screen.
"Hello? Is this thing on?" He asked as the red light flashes
"Yes mistah j it's on" Harley said as he smirked
"Hello Gotham, sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem but I have an announcement!" Joker smiled wickedly
"Are you watching Boy Wonder? I'm sure your little friend hopes so" joker laughed pointing the camera at you before grabbing his knife and setting his camera down on his tripod. He spun the knife in his hand as he approached you.
"I bet you hope so too" joker laughed as he placed the blade at your neck
"But either way he'd be too late" he said pressing the knife against your neck, you felt the cold steal.
"Too easy!" Joker laughed pulling the knife away leaving your neck I
Undamaged, you let out a breathe you didn't realize you'd been holding as he paced before you.
"Hmmm what to do, what to do" joker said to himself before suddenly stopping and punching you hard in the stomach causing you to cough.
"Oh lighten up!" Joker laughed as you lie chef forward in pain. He grabbed your hair and yanked your head up by it. He brought the knife go your shirt ripping it open in one fluid movement cackling as he did. You just sobbed.
"Oh would you like a phone call? I'll just dial up old batty man" joker laughed as you focused a glare at you. A sudden crash from the other room stole his attention
"Harley! What are you doing in there?!" Joker asked getting no answer. Seconds later the door burst open and batman and robin barged inside
"Oh...I guess it's a conference call!" Joker laughed as he and batman went at it, batman giving him a swift punch to the nose. As for you, Robin was currently cutting the ropes that held you, you stood up and watched in horror as Harley ran at him. He swiftly ducked and flipped her, she landed on her back
"Ouch" she said quietly
"Robin get her out of here!" Batman called from where she stood and Robin picked you up and ran you outside. He placed you down
"Robin thank god you-" you were cut off as he pressed his lips against yours, you kissed him back. He pulled away and wrapped his arms around you hugging you close
"Fuck y/n, I thought he was going to kill you" Tim breathed and you hugged him back.
"He would've of it wasn't for you" you pointed out as he pulled away. You smiled and he kissed you again, he had you backed up against the hood of the bat mobile your lips is sync with his, your arms wrapped around him.
Batman cleared his throat behind you and Tim pulled away turning to look at him.
"Now joker knows who y/n is it would be wise of her to stay with us" Batman said nodding
You were dating Robin, not Tim Drake, you didn't know his secret and it was exiting that you were about to find out. Batman drove the both of you to the batcave, you got out of the car and looking around in awe. Batman pulled off his mask walking to the computer. Bruce Wayne. Now it all made sense. Robin stood behind you, you turned to face him. He pulled off his mask.
"Finally" he said removed
"I'm Tim Drake" you smiled widely as he said this and hugged him tightly.
He chuckled wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Tim" you said and he liked down at you
"It's nice to meet you" you smiled and he laughed.
"You've known me all along y/n just by a different name" he pointed out and you just smiled like an idiot
"Love you" he whispered kissing your cheek
"Love you too" you said as he kissed you softly

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