Damian Wayne x Reader

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Ok so like how cute would it be if Damian was all nervous for you first date?!  Your both sixteen here btw
Damian Wayne stood in his room adjusting his black shirt. He wore a simple black shirt, some grey sweatpants and black sneakers. He walked out of his room down the hall.
"Hey Damian, don't you have a date tonight?" Dick asked as he caught sight of his adoptive younger brother
"Yea, what if it?" Damian asked rolling his eyes
"Well, your wearing sweatpants. And if it's your first time on a date with this girl I'd go with something more dressy" Dick suggested as he continued walking down the hall.
The fifteen year old glanced down at his outfit before walking back into his room, swapping his sweatpants for some tan pants. He then left the room for a final time and slipped his bag containing his Robin suit over his shoulder. He bit his lip, he was extremely nervous being he hadn't been on a date before. He didn't even have a crush on any girls before you. He smirked proud of himself for asking you out, well you didn't have a choice.
"L/n, I'll be taking you to the carnival at seven tonight. Don't be late" he more or less demanded as he walked past you that day at school. He left Wayne manor getting on his motor cycle and pulling on his black helmet.
Minutes later he was at the carnival, walking into it he checked his watch seeing it was seven exactly. He walked towards the Ferris wheel where the two of you had agreed to meet. You were there clad in jeans and a black shirt. He smirked when he saw you, you checked your phone before slipping it into your pocket. Damian walked up to you.
"Hey Damian" you greeted happily a smile on your face
"Y/n" he greeted
"What do you want to do first?" He asked and to smiled like the Cheshire cat
"Bumper cars!" You squealed grabbing his hand and pulling him to the ride.
You smiled as you floored your bumper car smashing it into Damian's.
Next the two of you had entered the house of mirrors. A blonde lady stood outside of it, she must be working the ride.
"Here ya go kiddos!" She said happily as she stamped your hand, but not his. Damian could have sworn he knew the girl, but couldn't place a name. She shrugged and the two of you went into the fun house.
Mirrors were everywhere, you followed Damian around, you occasionally felt mirrors to see if that was where you were to go. Suddenly the lights had shut off.
"Damian?" You asked worriedly
"I'm right here" he said placing a hand on your shoulder, he was standing behind you.
There was a loud crash of a mirror breaking and you tensed up in fear.
"It's okay" Damian said almost matter of factly.
"Follow me" he said and seconds later he was gone and you were alone. Suddenly a hand grabbed your arm and lead you through the maze with ease. You smiled seeing Damian had come back. You were lead out of the fun house and much to your terror you saw it hadn't been Damian at all, it was joker who had lead you out of the house of mirrors.
"Surprised to see me?" He asked a wicked grin on his features. You were speechless as you stood there, he pulled out a knife.
"I like knives much more then guns, so much more personal" he chuckled as your eyes widened. He was even scarier in person, his skin was much paler, hair much greener and smile much bigger.
Suddenly a flash of red moved past you taking down joker.
"Leave him alone!" A females voice yelled as she moved towards who you know recognized as Robin. Robin quickly slammed jokers head on the floor rendering him unconscious before springing at Harley tazeing the clown. She fell beside her phyco tic boyfriend, Robin stood up. Suddenly he was Infront of you.
"Are you alright?" He asked
"Yea. Thank you" you smiled softly he just smirked before tossing down a smoke bomb and disappearing. Thirty seconds later Damian walked out of the house of mirrors.
"L/n, that's where you went" he commented and saw the two unconscious bad guys a few feet away.
"What's happened?" He asked walking over to you.
"I was attacked but...but Robin saved me" you said still scared
"Let me take you home, your shaking like a leaf" he observed taking your hand and bringing you around the side of the blue of mirrors as the police arrived to collect joker and Harley. Moments later the two of you stood outside of your apartment building.
"I had fun Damian, besides seeing joker" you smiled
"I did too" he smiled .
You kissed him softly causing him to flush red
"Good night Damian" you smiled before walking into your apartment building.
He murmured out a good night as he walked away from your apartment building looking like a tomato

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