Dick Grayson x reader

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You grit your teeth as you heard the red heads annoying laughter. Your fist made contact with the punching bag again, your knuckles stung. You moved your feet putting your weight into the next punch a satisfying 'thwap' came from the bag as you hit it. Barbra and Dick were in a lower part of the cave. She was giggling at everything he said, effortlessly flirting with him. You turned and kicked the bag hard, 'thump'. The bat mobile tires screeched as Bruce returned with Robin, Barbara hadn't gone out with them tonight which was odd. You walked over to the railing looking over it down at them. Batman and robin were headed towards Batgirl and Nightwing. As for you, you were nightwing's partner, Sparrow.
"Sparrow come down here!" Bruce called and you catapulted yourself over the railing, landing silently on the ground below.
"Sparrow, you and Nightwing are needed down by the docks, batgirl and robin your with me at the industrial district" batman ordered and you nodded.
"I'll race you there" Dick mumbled to you with a smirk and you narrowed your eyes, at the same time both of you turned running for the bikes, you had Leaped onto yours. Dick only seconds behind. In minutes you were driving, the docks in sight.
"What do you think we are up against?!" Dick asked
"Don't know, I wish Bruce would have specified" you called back as you could make out figures at the docs, you stopped your motercycle before leaping off of it. You hid behind a rock, there was a group of penguins men surrounding an arms crate. You smirked before springing forward tackling one of the men, gun shots were fired but you were too busy kicking ass to notice. You flipped back kicking one and grabbing another. You were being rougher then usual. You flipped the last one over you.
"Sparrow, are you alright?" Nightwing asked as he landed beside you.
"Just fine" you answered before the two of you heard the sound of a motercycle approaching off of it came the one and only Barbra Gordon as Batgirl.
"Barbra? What are you doing here aren't you supposed to be with batman?" Dick asked
"I snuck off, I wanted to check on you guys" she smiled
Dick looked over at you, you already knew what he was thinking, that she had left batman and robin without asking batman first.
"Well we are done here so we should get back to the industrial district" Dick said and the two of you walked to your motercycles. You frowned seeing yours refused to start
"Dick, my mother cycle isn't starting" you said and has turned to you
"Huh that's odd, here you can just ride with me" he said getting on the bike and you smiled softly. Barbra glared at you through her mask as she got on her bike. You got on to the bike behind Dick, he started it and you wrapped your arms around him feeling his muscles under his suit, you blushed.
He started to drive and soon enough you were speeding down the streets of Gotham. You held onto Nightwing tightly as he swerved past cars. Barbra drove beside the two of you. You had arrived at the GCPD building where batman had told you all to meet him. Moments later you stood on a roof by the GCPD watching as batman and robin talked to commissioner Gordon with batgirl. Batgirl would turn to look at you and Nightwing every so often. God that girl made you so mad. Suddenly Dick had wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you close to him.
"I was going to wait to do this but now seems like a good time" he started
"What do you me-" you were cut off by his lips, you kissed him back before he pulled away.
"Tonight I realized I love you y/n" he said turning to look back at batman.
"Really?" You asked
"Really" he confirmed
"I thought you liked Barbra" you frowned slightly
"She is nice and all but just not my type" he chuckled
You kissed him again, his arms wrapped around you, you were extremely happy.
You pulled away from him and the two of you sat on the roof looking up at the stars, you didn't see much of Barbra after that, being you and Dick had moved your work to Blüdhaven.

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