Damian Wayne x Reader

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"Your holding back" Damian observed as he easily ducked a kick from you.
"I know I am" you replied simply as you deflected a punch easily. You were the newest member of the bat family, you were the current batgirl.
"Why, scared I'll hurt you?" Damian smirked and you glared at him. He had been Robin for five years now, the Robin before him being Stephanie Brown, you were also her successor as batgirl.
It seemed that batgirl and Robin had some sort of relation ship. Dick Grayson and Barbra Gordon, Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown and the newest addition being Damian Wayne and y/n L/n
"Me? Scared? Never" you said sweeping out his leg, he fell on his back as you straightened up. Nightwing watched from a higher platform of the cave with batman.
"Damian's holding back with her" Nightwing observed as Bruce typed into the computer
"I know, it's strange Damian hadn't held back with anyone" Bruce said not looking away from the screen.
"Yea I got that impression from when I first met him, I still have a scar or two to prove it" Nightwing said walking away from the rail, Bruce chuckled at what Dick had said. You had joined up with Batman about a year ago. Once you saw past the Boy Wonders arrogant and obnoxious ways he was actually a pretty decent human being. A few months ago the two of you had started dating, keeping it a secret so your colleagues in the bat family would just think everything was professional.
"It's not too busy out there, what do you say we go out for old times sake?" Nightwing smiled at his former mentor
Bruce turned around and smiled
"Let's go" he said and when you looked up you saw batman and Nightwing jump down from a higher level of the cave.
"We are going out, keep training you two" Bruce said as he and Nightwing got into the bat mobile and drove off. You watched as they did, getting caught by surprise when Damian wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, his torso pressed against your back and he placed his chin on your shoulder.
"Now we can finally have a break" he smiled taking your hand and leading him into the mansion, the two of you were in his room.
You grabbed the sweatpants and crop top you'd been wearing before. You hesitantly started to take off your suit, folding it as you went. You Un zipped it and stepped out of it before quickly pulling on your shirt and pants. Damian sat on his bed, a light blush on his cheeks as he was trying to watch a movie for the two of you to watch. You smiled at him taking a seat beside him, he wrapped an arm around you pulling you close to him as the scary movie started.
It was a zombie movie called Pandemic, as a zombie came out of no where you squealed and jumped as Damian sat still even seeming bored.
When the movie was over Damian stood up and stretched
"I have to pee, I'll be back" he said leaving the room. You nodded and sat there as the credits rolled. It had been Atlanta fifteen minutes and Damian was still gone. You heard a few crashes from the hallway and looked over at the door.
"Damian?!" You called out and got no answer
Odd footsteps hot closer and you heard a groan
"Damian!" You called as you saw a figure at the door. As it stepped on it was Damian, drenched in blood and making weird groaning noises
"Damian?" You asked quietly seeing he looked particularly like a zombie from the movie. He just growled in response as you backed up against the wall in fear, he moved on pinning you roughly to the wall, making groaning noises. He leaned in for your neck as years fell down your cheeks. Your zombie boyfriend was about to kill you, there were worse ways to go...right?
Instead of taking a chunk of flesh from your neck Damian had just kissed it softly and smirked
"Got ya" he laughed taking a step back
"Your face! You were all 'oh no Damian!' " he laughed as you stated at him and he looked up at you seeng your tear stained face
"Oh shit, you really were scared" he said walking quickly over to you
"Yes I was you asshole" you snapped glaring at him
"I'm sorry y/n, I didn't know" he said hugging you
"It's okay" you sighed
He leaned in and kissed you passionately and you kissed him back immediately.
Something wet was on your shirt and when he pulled away you looked down seeing fake blood smeared all over your cloths.
"Oh..ill have Alfred wash that out, here" Damian said going over to his dresser grabbing a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt handing them to you to change into. He walked into the bathroom and ran the shaper so he could get the fake blood off. Moments later you were laying in his bed when he walked back into the room
Wearing a pair of basket ball shorts. He smiled walking over to you, you tried to ignore his Toned chest and damp hair as he laid down beside you. He wrapped an arm around you pulling you close to him, he kissed your cheek before closing his eyes.
Bruce and Dick we're currently on a rooftop watching a few robbers Infront of a warehouse
"are you sure we should have left them alone?" Dick asked
"What's the worst that could happen?" Batman smirked as he swing down towards the criminals
"Oh gee I don't know, probably something you've done with cat woman" Nightwing laughed swinging after his former mentor

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