Jason Todd x assassin! Reader

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You sighed entering your room through the fire escape. You pulled off your domino mask revealing your face and e/c eyes. You tossed your mask onto your bed and bit your lip as the cut on your arm bled, you pulled off your costume and placed it in your closet. You sighed looking at the cut on your arm and walked towards the kitchen for some paper towels and a bandage.
"Y/n?" Your roommate Jason asked from where he stood in the apartments living room, you froze. Jason was supposed to be at work.
"Oh...hey I cut myself with some scissors" you lied to him smoothly and he nodded
"Come here" he said bringing you to the bathroom and pouring some disinfectant on your cut. You hissed in pain.
"Sorry" he mumbled as he wrapped a bandage around your arm.
"Can you do me a favor?" He asked and you raised an eyebrow
"I stood up fast at work and cut myself on a shelf corner do you think you could stitch me up?" He asked and you nodded. He turned around and pulled off his shirt to reveal a scratch, it was bleeding and went from his shoulder to middle back. You quickly cleaned the cut before grabbing a needle and thread out of the first aid kit.
"This'll hurt" you warned
"I took the cut, I can take the stitches" he said and you nodded and started to stitch the would closed, he tensed up as you did. You cut the string once you were finished. Jason always seemed to get hurt at his job, while you had gotten hurt from a vigilante who called himself red hood. It was your job to kill him, if he didn't kill you first. Jason would never know this, he'd be horrified and you'd developed feelings for your roommate and you were almost positive they were mutual.
"Thanks" he smiled happily and you smiled back at him. He hugged you great fully and you carefully wrapped your arms around him avoiding his stitches.
The next night you stood on a rooftop looking around for red hood.
"Nice legs" a voice said from behind you and you turned around seeing him, clad in a brown leather jacket and black military grade pants. You could of swore he was smirking under his mask. You grabbed your knives as he grabbed his guns. He started shorting and you dodged all of his bullets with ease. Getting closer to him you dropped to the ground putting all of your weight on one hand you swept his legs out with yours and as he was falling you kicked his helmet resulting in him falling to the floor unconscious. You smirked kneeling down beside him knife in hand
"Finally" you muttered
"Now let's see who you really are" you pulled off his helmet to reveal none other then your roommate and the boy that made the biggest impact in your life.
"Jason" you whispered taking a step back and tripping over a rock falling into your butt. You backed up against the wall his helmet in your hands. Tears fell from under your mask as you looked at his unconscious face. You could barley process the fact that he was red hood.
"Jason" you whispered looking at his helmet. You sat like that, with him for a few minutes unsure of what to do.
He groaned and pushed himself up so he was sitting, he ran a hand through his hair and stopped suddenly. He turned facing you seeing you sitting there his helmet in your hands. In one swift movement he was on his feet and had a gun pointed at your head. You stared at him, it was an empty stare.
"Well?" He asked and you said nothing.
"What? No witty comeback? You aren't fighting back? What's wrong with you?!" He asked smirking slightly. That smirk.
"Jason" was all you said as you slowly stood up
"How do you..." He trailed off as you pulled your mask off.
"Y/n....it's you?" He asked and you nodded as tears threatened to fall from your eyes again. He lowered his gun and you hugged him tightly, he slowly wrapped his arms around you.
(Time skip, a few weeks)
You were currently fighting a few thugs that worked for penguin who had been harassing an old man who owned a jewelry store. You quickly dropped putting all your weight on one hand as you swung your legs around causing one of the thugs to fall, you stood up and another thug came up behind you. A gun shot rang out and he fell dead.
"Jason! I had that one, it was the last one too" you frowned unhappily
"He was sneaking up on you" Jason argued his voice echoing through the alley
"I could have handled it" you crossed your arms and Jason walked up behind you hugging you from behind his arms around your waist and he rested his head on the top of yours.
"Whatever you say, partner" you could tell he was smirking.
You smiled happily and leaned against his chest.

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